Farm 2 Table!

The Year 2 students enjoyed participating in the Farm 2 Table program at Resurrection School. It was a wonderful occasion when they learnt about fresh ingredients through education about farming, food preparation and the food they eat. 

The program provided them with opportunities to learn about different healthy seasonal fruit and vegetables through experiences of gardening, cooking and eating. 

Students were responsible for preparing and serving a menu that was based on fruit, vegetables and herbs which are grown in our school garden. The Farm 2 Table program also provided them with the opportunity to celebrate different cultures and their cuisines. 

The BEST part of the day was definitely sharing a meal with their families and other members of the school community. 

Some of the Year 2 students have shared what they enjoyed the most about their Farm 2 Table experience for this year: 

Malise (2AH) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was eating the pizza scrolls because they tasted so good.

Jack (2AH) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was cleaning up and washing all of the dishes.

Lucas (2AH) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was eating the apple, rhubarb and custard muffins. 


Farm 2 Table in 2AH

Luka (2CZ) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was learning about different herbs in the garden. 

Henry (2CZ) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was sharing a meal with my dad and my friends. 

Elpida (2CZ) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was preparing and cooking the pizza scrolls. 


Farm 2 Table in 2CZ

Trae (2SH) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was preparing the dough for the pizza scrolls.  

Malita (2SH) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was eating the pizza scrolls because they were so tasty. 

Olive (2SH) 

My favourite part of Farm 2 Table was cracking the eggs to make Rhubarb Muffins. 


Farm 2 Table in 2SH