Important Dates, Events & Updates

Keep these in your diary!

Upcoming dates to remember:

  • Open Day- Tomorrow, Friday, August 26th
  • Book Week Dress up Day - Tomorrow, Friday, 26th August
  • Afterschool Sports - Gymnastics (for those who have registered) - Wednesdays, 31st August and 7th September, 3.30pm-4.30pm
  • Father's Day Raffle Tickets & Money Due - Wednesday, 31st August
  • Fathers'/Special Persons' Day Stall- Thursday, September 1st
  • Fathers'/Special Persons' Day Breakfast- Friday, September 2nd, 7.30-8.30am (in the Little Chapel) Forms are due back tomorrow 
  • Chocolate Fundraiser Money Due - Monday, September 5th
  • Term 3 concludes- Thursday, September 15th 2.30pm Finish 
  • (School Closure Day)- Friday, September 16th
  • Term 4 Begins - Monday, October 3rd 

Father's Day/Special Person's Breakfast Forms are due tomorrow!!! 

Book Week Dress Up Tomorrow -Friday 26th August 

Don't forget, we are encouraging everyone to dress up to celebrate Book Week.  You can dress as your favourite book character or you can wear your pyjamas to highlight the theme 'Dreaming with Eyes Open'.

**ADVANCE NOTICE: School Closure Days for the rest of 2022

  • Friday, 16th September (OHSC will be available)
  • Monday, 31st October
  • Wednesday, 2nd November

Resurrection School Open Day 

Final Open Day - Tomorrow!