Around The School- Oval Update

Look what has been happening around the school....

Whilst you have all been learning remotely we have been upgrading the surroundings at school. 

The  Oval is looking AMAZING with thick green grass which will continue to grow and consolidate and be ready for use in when we return in Term 4. 

Our expanded Urban Garden area is really starting to take shape with the new path being the latest edition. Either side of the path We have a new path in our Urban Garden area and the surrounds are just waiting for students to return to school to start building garden beds ready for spring vegetables. 

Adjoining the garden is a new deck surrounding the tree which will enhance our passive play area and double as an outdoor classroom space for our gardening groups. 

The security at the front of the school has had an upgrade with the installation of a new fence around the Foundation play ground. The fence will provide a safer play area for our Foundation students as well as limiting access to our school during school time. Any admission to the school during the day will now be through the front gate/administration entrance on Arkaringa Crescent only. 


From this......
To magnificent!
From this......
To magnificent!
To this...Look how thick and green it is.. All we need are students.
To this...Look how thick and green it is.. All we need are students.
New path and deck..
New path and deck..
New playground surrounds..
New playground surrounds..
We will continue our urban garden in this area and develop more garden beds for planting food.
We will continue our urban garden in this area and develop more garden beds for planting food.


Our new security fence in the Foundation playground
Better security for our Foundation students.
Our new security fence in the Foundation playground
Better security for our Foundation students.