Health and 

Physical Education 

Year 3 - 6

Throughout the past 6 weeks of term 3, the year 3-6 students have been participating in an at home “BRPS House Athletics Carnival’”. 


Some of the events that they have participated in include 80m sprint, 40m hopping sprint, tennis ball throw, Frisbee throw, beep test and skills test. 


There is still one more week to go until we collate the results and find out who the house winner is for 2020! Here are a few photos of the students at home participating in the events.

Years 1 - 2 

For the year 1 / 2 students, they have been participating in activities that involve striking a ball with one hand and throwing. 


Some of the activities they have participated in are bad work baseball, House golf, bad work basketball, throwing at targets and throwing based trick shots. Here are a few photos of the students participating at home.


The Foundation students have been cleaning up and bopping around, by practicing their jumping and sweeping skills at home. 


Students have been participating in activities that require them to hold a broom with two hands and maneuver a ball to a target. 


Some of the activities they have been participating in are broomstick hockey, shuffleboard, broomstick shootout, kangaroo jump v hopping and hop-scotch. 

Here are a few photos of the students participating at home.