Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journey Wilsons Promontory

Towards the end of term 2, 27 year nine students completing the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award attended the Wilsons Promontory hiking camp.
The three groups set off on Tuesday from either Telegraph Saddle or Tidal River and returned on Friday, after walking close to over 30 kilometres carrying food, tents, clothes, and other equipment on their backs.
Each student was given a role to develop their leadership, teamwork, and communication skills across the duration of the journey.
Throughout the camp students developed their outdoor living skills including cooking on Trangia stoves, setting up campsites, traveling as a group, and navigating the hiking routes using a compass.
Each day brought about new challenges, including difficult terrain, high winds, and hungry wombats.
Students demonstrated outstanding resilience to overcome the difficulties they faced. The students witnessed remote white sandy beaches with crystal clear water with soaring mountains making for a perfect backdrop.
The students all enjoyed a memorable experience and have successfully met the requirements for the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award!
Thank you to Mr. Adrian Ferres, Ms. Lauren Van Der Westhuizen, and Mr. David Morris for making the trip possible
Watch our video of the highlights from The Duke of Edinburgh Camp