Year 12 Formal

On Friday 2 June, Year 12 students and partners, arrived at the Manningham Centre for their Year 12 Formal. The Year 12 Formal provided students with the opportunity to dress up in elegant attire and create lasting memories with their friends, classmates, and teaching staff.

The class of 2023 did not disappoint in any area!


It was great to see, as they arrived, that the students had embraced the dress code and were prepared for a night of fun. 


The traditional formal video showed how inclusive, cohesive and community minded the students are. 

The awards presented on the night, voted for by the students, acknowledged the wide range of attributes and interests of our students and included; 

‘Most Likely To Win An Olympic Medal’, 

‘Most Likely To Be Prime Minister’, 

‘Most Likely To Perform on Broadway’, 

‘Most Likely To Win A Nobel Peace Prize’ and the perennial favourite, 

‘Most Likely To Work At Blackburn High School’.

At the conclusion of the evening’s formalities, it was time to dance! 


And we danced!

The dance floor was crowded for the rest of the evening, with students having selected a great choice of music to ensure that there was something for everyone.   


I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Ms. Christine Miller and the Year 12 Formal Committee to ensure the evening was a successful one.


A Special Thanks to Ms. Siobhan Dwyer for all her input and leadership in this special event being such a success.