High Ability Programs

This term our high ability students have participated in series of excursions to Quantum STEM centre.
Year 8 and 9 HAP students attended a day where they heard from Tall Poppy award winning scientists. The scientists worked in a range of fields and talked about topics including nanotechnology, clinical psychology and disordered gaming and medical science and women's health.
A range of high-ability students across Years 9 and 10 participated in Quantum's 'Viral Enigma' program. Throughout the day students investigated genetic concepts and DNA coding and used a computer simulation to explore how viruses use mutations to increase their virulence. They also engaged in a Virtual Reality Game, The Virus, where they applied problem-solving skills to race against a clock.
Additionally, students across Years 7 and 8 participated in Quantum's cyber-security extension program. Students worked collaboratively to solve a range of cyber-security scenario-based challenges. The challenges explored the ideas of ciphers, phishing, password protection, and encryption.