Education Week Review

Move, Make, Motivate 

Thanks to our wonderful school community for celebrating Education Week with us! 

Our students certainly were active learners and participated in many activities that encouraged them to move, make and show their motivation to be challenged and have fun!


Here are some reflections from our school leaders and Junior School Council representatives.


For Education week, we had great activities throughout the week! 

This included Teachers vs Students basketball game and Multi-Age Day activities such as whole school art activity, outdoor games and also Lego challenges. 

We raised $1688 over all from our Biggest Morning Teas for staff, students and grandparents/special person. This money will go towards the Cancer Council. 

We also participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime and read the Speedy Sloth.

Em 5W & Frankie 5H


On Thursday we had our Biggest Morning with our grandparents. We loved all the food and thanks to our grandparents/special persons for coming and donating to the Cancer Council. All up we raised $1688.

Ollie 3C & Connor 4J


We interviewed some Level 2 students on Junior Cross Country. 

Baxter: I was scared and tired but it was fun! I came 6th.

Isabel: It was good but I was scared at the start. It was fun with friends. I came 5th. 

Mav: It was tiring. I sprinted at the start, got in front and jogged the rest. I came 1st.

Jess: It was fun running and a bit tiring cause of the 3 laps. I came 1st.

Aleena 4J & Georgia 6P


National Simultaneously Storytime was fun! We made some sloth craft with the Jells Park kinder kids. We read a story called The Speedy Sloth, which was very humorous! Overall, we had a great time, and it was an enthusiastic activity.

Rhys 4B & Trinity 4B


Open Night was fun because students and parents got to pick a classroom to go into and then do the activity in the room.

After the activity, the parents scanned a QR code to put the students name into the raffle. The winner of the raffle was Inara in 6K.

After the activities, everyone went into the gym to listen to the choir sing two songs, an indigenous song and ‘Celestial’ by Ed Sheeran. 

It was lovely to see so many people attend Open Night, we hope everyone enjoyed coming together! 

Emily 6L & Olivia 4V


Student vs Teachers was a very exciting match with lots of people on the court. 4 students from each class competed. Mr Veitch thought he was LeBron James; it was very funny, but the teachers were dominating for the senior match. Lots of people were able to score the ball in the basketball hoop. There was a big crowd watching with all the students screaming and cheering on their fellow classmates!

Benny 5S & Fin 5H


At District Cross Country everyone that came in the top twelve in their school made it into district. We ran 2km and whoever made it in the top twelve was selected to go to Division Cross Country. Ben did not make it into division, but Ilyana did make it. Ilyana got 4th place and Ben got 29th place. If you make it to division, you vs 48 schools!

Ben 4V & Ilyana 5S


Community Engagement Team