General News

Dhulu (Message Stick)



Friday 2nd June 2023 - Wear it Yellow

We invite all of our students (except Year 1) and staff to wear yellow on Friday for Reconciliation Week 2023. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community announcements & significant dates and events


Significant upcoming events and dates this term:

  • National Reconciliation Week: 27th May - 3rd June
  • Mabo Day: 3rd June

Naidoc Week 2023

Theme: For Our Elders

Dates:  2nd-9th July

We will announce our school celebration dates in the upcoming weeks. 



Word of the Week

Each time a student uses our "Word of the Week" in the classroom they will be awarded a point and the student with the most points at the end of the term will receive a book to further expand their vocabulary.


We will publish our Word of the Week on Facebook and in the newsletter. Please support your child to use this word at home.     Week 6 - SANGFROID


National Reconciliation Week 27th May - 3rd June

National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

This year's theme: Be a Voice for Generations. The theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives- where we live, work and socialise. 


As part of our recognition of National Reconciliation Week, we are inviting all students, except Year 1 who are attending an excursion, to wear YELLOW to school this Friday 2nd June. Please ensure students wear closed in shoes along with their school hat on this day.

Term 2 School Fees - due 1st June

Term 2 fees are due by Thursday 1st June. Thank you to those parents that have already paid. Payments can be made via BPAY, Compass Pay, Cash or EFTPOS. Please see your last fee statement sent out via email on 4th May by our Catholic Schools Office. Please phone Mel Salvestrin on 6765 7847 if you would like to make an appointment to discuss a payment plan. 

Cars at the Infants Campus

We acknowledge that the Pick-up/Drop Off Area at the rear of the Infants Campus in Thompson Crescent is very busy before and after school.  Parents and carers are asked to drop/pickup students and leave as quickly as possible as vehicles bank up and hinder the flow of traffic. When leaving the pick-up area, you are requested to TURN LEFT ONLY and proceed around Thompson Crescent. Some parents have been witnessed turning right against the flow of traffic, resulting in near misses and unwanted frustration.   

Also, if you park across the road in Thompson Crescent please remember to escort your child safely over the road to the back school gate.  Thank you for your continued support and keeping our children safe.

School Uniform - We wear it with pride!

At St Edward's School we have high expectations with wearing our uniform with pride. We therefore seek parent and student support with wearing our uniform correctly each day. 

NCCD Fact Sheet

Every year schools in Australia participate in the National Consistent Collection of Data on school students with a disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with a disability.

Please read full details in the letter attached.

P & F Upcoming Events...

Pie Drive Time

Pie Drive Order forms were sent home to all families in Week 4.  All orders and money are due back at school by Friday 9th June.  Extra order forms are available from either school office. Orders will be delivered and available for collection on the afternoon of Tuesday 27th June from the Primary Campus Hall.


Student Absences

Please remember that all absences must be explained within 7 days of your child being away.  You will receive an automated SMS message at 10.00am on the day to remind you to explain the absence on the Parent Compass Portal. 

Working with Children Check (WWCC)

All parents who volunteer at St Edward's School need to supply their WWCC and date of birth to enable us to verify the checks for our WWCC records.  If you are not sure if we have your details, please email Sue Kellett on who will happily check for you. 

Labelling of Uniform Items

As the weather is cooling down, we are seeing many jumpers and jackets in the Lost Property baskets. These baskets are cleared regularly and clearly labelled items are returned to their rightful owners.  It is impossible to return items that are unreadable or not labelled at all. Your assistance in labelling ALL uniform items and food containers is much appreciated.    

St Edward's Canteen - Cash Only

Parents and Carers are reminded that the Canteen accepts cash only. Please do not send cards in with your child.


2023 Pupil Free/Staff Development Days 

We ask parents and carers to please mark the following Pupil Free Days in your calendars:

Friday 30th June

Friday 22nd September

Monday 18th December

Tuesday 19th December

COVID Safe Measures

This year, schools will continue to follow guidance issued by NSW Health to support the safety and wellbeing of our school communities.


Staff and students with COVID-19 symptoms

If a student or staff member is unwell and has any symptoms they should always test for COVID-19 and not attend school until they are symptom free. 


Positive COVID-19 cases

If a student or staff member receives a positive result on with a RAT or PCR test they should:

  1. Record the positive result through the Services NSW website or app
  2. Notify the school of the positive results as soon as possible

2024 Kindergarten Enrolments - ENROL NOW

Applications for Kindergarten 2024 are NOW OPEN. Please contact the Infants Campus for an enrolment pack. Enrolment Forms will not be processed until all supporting documents are received: Birth Certificate; Immunisation Certificate; Baptismal Certificate (only required if your child is baptised Catholic) and proof of student’s residential address. Please spread the word if you know of anyone with a child wishing to start at St Edward's School in Kindergarten in 2024. 

Esteem Kids

Before school care is available in the Infants Hall for both Primary and Infants students.  It operates from 7:00am to 8:30am, Monday through Friday during term and breakfast is provided. 

After school care is available in the Infants Hall for Infants students only from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.  PLEASE NOTE this year that after school care is now operating from the Primary Art Room for primary students only from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.  Afternoon tea is provided.


Families are encouraged to make enquiries or express interest by contacting William Wong on 0410 841 628 or email: or visit the website at


ABSENCES - Please remember to contact (telephone or text) Esteem Kids St Edward's directly if your child is going to be absent on 0481 373 883.  Thank you.


Basketball 4 ALL

Therapy 2 Thrive will be offering a sports based occupational therapy program called Basketball 4 ALL, which is designed to help children who find it difficult to engage in team sports.  This program is proudly funded by the NSW government and free for participants.

Parenting Workshop

ADIG Bonus Saver Account

The Armidale Diocesan Investment Group (ADIG) have recently introduced a new Bonus Saver Account. See the video link below to find out about the key elements of the product. 

Healthy Lunch Box

Good for Kids, Good for Life

Don't forget to like us on Facebook and tell your family and friends about our page too!

St Edward's Primary School: Facebook

We are now on Instagram too! Feel free to follow our page to keep in touch with the fantastic things that happen at St Edward's Primary School.

St Edward's Primary School: Instagram