Sport Around the Grounds

Athletics Trials


Our school Athletics Trials were held on Wednesday, May 31st, 2023. It was amazing to witness around 250 students enthusiastically participate in the event and achieve their personal best, but what truly mattered was the opportunity it gave each student to push themselves to the limit while having a fun-filled day cheering each other on. 


We extend our gratitude to all parents and families who attended and provided support, making the day a rewarding and positive experience for our students.


A huge thank you also to all staff that helped with this day and made this event possible - Mrs Sluiter, Mrs Roach, Mr Zaccaria, Ms Bear, Mr Wilcox, Mrs Rylance, Ms Dankha, Ms Turner, Ms Passmore and Mrs Modareli. 


Please remind students to check the sports noticeboard for results which will be posted next week. More information will be given to the students who have qualified to participate in the Zone/Diocesan Athletics Carnival early next term. 











Stage 3 Girls Soccer Gala Day 


Last Wednesday we had a group of girls from stage 3 participate in the Diocesan Soccer Gala Day. These girls played exceptionally well and had a great day playing against other schools from our Diocese. Well done!