Classroom Happenings

Diamond Creek Excursion

3/4 Diamond Creek Excursion

On Tuesday the 30th of May both of the 3 and 4 classes went down to the Diamond Creek to do some tests on the water, like seeing if it was salty and safe to drink. We also picked up rubbish and noticed what was good and what was bad for the creek. The reason why we went down to the Diamond Creek was because we have been learning about water and why we need to keep it clean. My favourite activity was water testing because it was fun and we got  to bend down and feel the cold water.

By Helena


The 3/4s went to the Diamond Creek.  The 3/4s discovered lots of new things in the water.  The 3/4s went on Tuesday on the  30th of May.  While we were there we went in different groups.  We went to the Diamond Creek to learn more about water.

By Rory


3\4s went on a trip to the Diamond creek. We did lots of things like testing water and picking up rubbish. Some people there saw a rabbit hole and a water bug.  We all got to walk across a log two metres from the water. There were different groups l was in group 2 with Hossein, Jason and some other people. My favourite thing was water testing.

By Michael T