
Congratulations to all of our award recipients! 

Recognising Respect

Congratulations to the following students for receiving a Recognising Respect Award this past fortnight


Week 3

Week 4

FAS - Leo B

For working really hard to learn all your letters and sounds. Leo, you have become so confident at using your sounds knowledge in decoding words. Well done!

FAS - Haniyyah H

For being a friendly and happy member of Prep Sadowy. Haniyyah, I love how you give everything a go!


FCP -Sammy H

For your terrific work in our addition tasks. You had great strategies. Well done. 

FCP - Sloan Y

For your fantastic focus during learning time. You are doing an amazing job. Well done. 


JLP - Georgiana C

For focusing on your learning and always trying your best.

JLP -Daphne S

For consistently giving your best in all that you do. Well done!


JRS - Emma S

For helping another student in such a friendly and helpful way.

JRS - Eddie M

For your fantastic explanation of your addition and subtraction strategies.


MLM - Adelaide W

For sharing your feelings to find solutions. Well done, Adelaide.

MLM - Clyde M

For your enthusiasm and assistance in the vegetable garden.


MRF - Audrie L

Your fantastic story this week in writing - love the word choice!

MRF - Jack A

Sounding out words that you are not sure of and trying your best in reading - super proud of you!


MRW - Ella F

For the passion and energy you put into every writing piece. You make some terrific word choices and your enjoyment for writing shines through each piece! 

MRW - Maria K

For your logical problem solving in Maths yesterday. You are an array queen! Well done!


SLM - Zanda T

For your excellent efforts during our writing task this week. Cant wait to read more, mate!

SLM - Myah W

For the kindness you bring to Senior Mac each day. You are always thinking of others, and this is an amazing quality to have!


SMM - Hugo W

Your fantastic start to Literacy Circle. 

SMM - Kyle H

Your detailed contributions to your Literacy Circle group.


SPO - Elissa O

For your great participation in Literacy Circles.

SPO - Sid V

For applying yourself wholeheartedly in Maths. Great multiplication skills.




Student Birthdays


We would like to say a BIG Happy Birthday to the following students who have celebrated their birthdays over the past two weeks. We hope you had an AMAZING birthday! 


Mimi B - JLP

Ollie M - JLP

Ned S - JLP

Sid V - SPO

Lola M - FAS

Seb V - SLM

Zac I - FAS

Mia C - JLP

Daphne S - JLP