Choosing School Subjects for 2024

The exciting process of students and families choosing subjects for 2024 will begin early in term 3, 2023.


In the latter part of term 2, students in years 9-12 are spending time in Wellbeing for Learning lessons on their Career Action Plans.  Wellbeing for Learning lessons at this time and in the first weeks of term 3 are focused on researching career pathways and linking those pathways with subjects for selection at school (and for year 12 students, to their imminent tertiary education choices or alternative post-school pathways).


The 2024 Curriculum Handbook will be published on the school website in week 1, term 3.  Students will explore this resource through Wellbeing for Learning lessons.  Parents/ Caregivers are also encouraged to browse the 2024 Curriculum Handbook and discuss possible pathways and related school subjects with their children and young people.


In week 2 term 3, on Monday 31 July, all students in years 7-11 will hear about the subject selection process for their year level during Wellbeing for Learning.  Students will collect a subject selection form for completion and parent signature.  Final dates to return signed forms are below (although they can certainly be returned earlier):

  • Years 7-9, Friday 11 August
  • Years 10-11, Thursday 24 August

Parents will be able to view a short video for each year level which explains the process of filling in the subject selection form.  Access to these videos will be through the school website with the relevant link emailed to parents on Monday 31 July.


To further supplement career awareness and planning Aberfoyle Park High School is hosting the following other events in the first half of term 3:

  • SACE/IBDP/VET Parent Q and A Evening on Wednesday 2 August between 5.30pm and 7.00pm on the Senior Floor – an opportunity for parents to attend to ask specific questions about all aspects of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) and Vocational Education and Training (VET).  Parents will be able to visit individual booths for specific information from expert staff in each of the above areas. No bookings are necessary to attend this event.
  • The Aberfoyle Park High School Career Expo on Thursday 10 August between 12.00pm and 3.30pm, and 5.00pm and 7.00pm in the large Gym – an extensive career expo with many representatives from industries, universities and other training organisations. In addition, students from APHS will speak about their involvement in a variety of VET courses and provide information about particular subjects at school.  Students in years 7-11 will visit with their classes during the day and all students are encouraged to visit in the evening with their parents. No bookings are necessary to attend this event.
  • Pathway Planning Days on Tuesday 15 August (year 10 into 11) and Thursday 17 August (year 11 into 12).  Parents and students are encouraged to make a 30 minute appointment with a staff member who can answer questions about the SACE, IBDP and VET options for 2024.  These appointments are scheduled the week before the due date for the Subject Selection form. Year 10 lessons will be cancelled on Tuesday 15 August and Year 11 lessons will be cancelled on Thursday 17 August.  Bookings are necessary to attend this event and will be available in SOBS.  Information about how to book an appointment will be emailed to parents early in term 3.

If you have any questions about the process for selecting your child’s 2024 course, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school by telephone on 8270 4455 or via email