SACE Stage 1

Outdoor Education

Mr Peter Vowles, Outdoor Education Teacher

Our SACE Stage 1 Outdoor Education classes explored the Southern Flinders Ranges for one of the experiences in the outdoors. This involved menu planning to cook on trangias, setting up tents, packing rucksacks, navigating and leading the group for different sections of our bushwalk. We summited Mt Remarkable on the first day, which was a great achievement for everyone and our second day was spent exploring the beautiful Alligator Gorge.


In the afternoon a very strong cold front hit unexpectedly. This was a good experience in adaptability and understanding how to react to environmental conditions. Our group was very resilient and kept dry and comfortable through the night as the rain and wind gradually abated.


Congratulations to the group on their efforts to support each other, be organised and be part of a positive outdoor experience.