International Homestay

Ms Kate Lonergan, Languages and International Coordinator



Apply to become a homestay family for upcoming study tours. Study tours usually take place in term 1 or term 3 and are between one and three weeks long. Japanese students are here to improve their English, become more independent and to learn about Australian culture and lifestyle. No need to organise anything extravagant, a trip to the shops or going to netball training can be equally as interesting. A separate bedroom is preferred but it is also possible to share with a child of the same gender. Many families also choose to have siblings share a room for that time, to allow the Japanese student their own space. Financial compensation is offered for extra food costs etc.


If you are interested in learning more, please watch the video in the link below and/or contact the International SSO Kim Wade on 8270 4455 or at


Quote from recent homestay parent:

Thank you again for all the effort and information during the home stay process. Ryuma is such a great kid and he fitted in so well with our family and especially with our sons, they clicked straight away so the evenings were filled with laughter and fun and the loudest laughter came from Ryuma which made me feel so happy for them all.