Classroom News

 Harrietville Museum and Gold Panning

Last Friday our year 2 and 3 students set off on their long awaited excursion to the Harrietville Museum and Gold Panning Experience.


Lynelle showed us around the Historical Harrietville Museum which held lots of treasures from times past that intrigued all the children , staff and parent helpers.  A task set out was to pick an object and see if you could guess what it was and what it was used for.  We learnt how many bedrooms families had to sleep in....just 1! for everybody!  Where was the toliet, what did it look like? "A chamber pot?" the children asked puzzled.  All cooking and anything that was wet was undertaken outside, and some of the mums in attendance where shocked to learn of a pertol filled iron.  Now that does make ironing the clothes an extreme sport.


Students had a turn each of the butter paddle, which is a tool that was used as butter was churned, pressing the butter against the side of the butter tub so that any excess buttermilk liquid forming in the fat pockets of the butter, would be forced out to stiffen the consistency of the butter. We learnt how they made washing up water with a soap cage and swishing it around quickly.  Everything was so hands on back then.


Lynelle explained how the horses managed to pull great loads of supplies in winter with specially made snowshoes for their hooves, the metal ones were so heavy.

Students had a turn at crushing rocks to powder which, when mixed with other components, aided in the powering of the dredging machine.

Welcome to country with Lynelle
Making soapy, bubbly water to wash up in
Welcome to country with Lynelle
Making soapy, bubbly water to wash up in
Shaping and slapping the butter
Childrens shoes with lots of nails in bottom which made them noisey and easy to hear them in the dark tunnels
Shaping and slapping the butter
Childrens shoes with lots of nails in bottom which made them noisey and easy to hear them in the dark tunnels
What do you think this object is?
And what was it used for?
What do you think this object is?
And what was it used for?
Grinding up the rocks to powder
Grinding up the rocks to powder

On to Gold Panning with much excitment and anticipation to find that big lump of a sparkling gold nugget.........

Ray gave detailed accounts of his many finds over the years while showing the children the correct technique for using the pan.  He explained how we first shift out the "Papa Bear" rocks, then the "Mama Bear" rocks followed by the "Baby" rocks to leave us with the tiny ones, and hopefully some gold. 


Alia found something white, with some gold running through it.  Unbelievable luck!


.....And, we even had a very special visit fom Anna.  It was a lovely surprise for the students who embraced her with cuddles and a little catch up.


Locals from Harritville while we visited the ice-creamery let our staff know how polite and courteous our students where. It was such a fun day and we are very proud of all the children who represented our school so well. 

Ice-creams enjoyed by the river after our lunch
We all highly recommend a visit to the Harrietville Kitchen. Ice cream is delicious.
Ice-creams enjoyed by the river after our lunch
We all highly recommend a visit to the Harrietville Kitchen. Ice cream is delicious.


Light and Colour Variety Show with Science Works

On Tuesday afternoon Science Works hosted an incursion via Zoom for our Preps through to year 4's.  Students had an oportunity to learn about the science behind light and colour: Physical Sciences and Chemical Sciences.

  • How are rainbows formed?
  • Can you make coloured shadows?
  • Can you always trust what your eyes see?

Students where wowed and entertained as the Scienceworks presenter went through a series of experiments with light and colour. These experiments uncovered what white light is made up of, how it bends when it moves through or is blocked by different materials and what happens when that light reaches our eyes.


Who was lucky enough to spot a rainbow Tuesday afternoon in our colourful Valley? Ask your children what the trasformation is with light to create this beautiful phenomenon.

STEM with Nicole

Years Prep - 3 this term have the oportunity each Friday with Nicole to learn about the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Through STEM, students develop key skills including: problem solving, creativity, critical analysis, teamwork, and independent thinking.


Why Do Things Move?

Last Friday our students made Rockets.  Learning about force, push, and pull, how different factors like balanced,/unblanced, force, and gravity can alter it and therfore result in different outcomes.


This week with Mary-Ann our Prep/1 class focussed on Force, the action of moving or changing postition. Using their creativity in smaller groups they expolored this subject and together using critical analysis guided by push and pull, friction, and gravity came up with some answers.

Magnet balls and sticks. What forces are there?
Dependant on the weight of the object, does it fall faster, softer, bounce, roll?
Car ramps. Is the distance effected by the ramp surface?
Magnet balls and sticks. What forces are there?
Dependant on the weight of the object, does it fall faster, softer, bounce, roll?
Car ramps. Is the distance effected by the ramp surface?