Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Last Friday students in Years 2 & 3 travelled to Harrietville to participate in an exploration of the area's local Gold History and to try their hand at gold panning.  The students had a great time exploring artefacts in the museum and while only one student found gold during the panning, everyone enjoyed the anticipation of panning and the excitement of ice-cream! Many thanks to all staff for their organisation and to our parent volunteers, Amanda, Lauren, Alison, Duanne and Monique. A big thank you also to the volunteers from the Museum for their time and enthusiastic presentations.

On Tuesday our Prep - Year 4 students had an oportunity to learn about light and colour, physical sciences, and chemical sciences in a Light and Colour Variety Show Incursion run by Scienceworks Museum.  Students were fascinated by how light is made up of different colours and saw this demonstrated by reflecting and refracting light through different prisms, similar to how light is refracted in water droplets to form a rainbow.


Tuesday was also ES Day and an opportunity to thank all our Educational Support Staff who provide much needed support to our students and teaching staff each and every day. While words do not always show just how much we appreciate them, we hope they all enjoyed a special morning tea!



Yesterday, all students had the opportunity to participate in the first of two AFL Primary School Clinics.  Many thanks to coach Braedon and the AFL Primary Schools program, for providing our students with this opportunity.  A second clinic will be held next Wednesday for students in Prep-4.


Tomorrow, all students will travel to Tawonga for the annual Cross Country running event. Please note that this year, all activities will be held at Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park.  The event will commence at 11.30am and finish by 1.30pm.  Students will travel to and from the park on bus and must wait within the old tennis court area, when not running.  Where possible, attending families are asked to please avoid parking immediately in front of the RED post box at Old Tawonga Store on Friday.  The Auspost van will be collecting and dropping mail between 11.30am and 1pm.  Please also avoid parking directly in front of Pioneer Memorial Park to enable our buses to safely park for dropping off and picking up students. Any families wanting to take their child home after the run, should speak to their child's teacher.


Next Wednesday, students in Year 5/6 will head to Canberra for a three day camp. This trip will enable students to experience New and Old Parliament House, the Australian War Memorial and Questacon, among others.  Many thanks to staff for their organisation and to all volunteers who will be attending. Please note that as the bus will be leaving at 7.15am sharp, students need to meet at the bus stop on Wednesday 24th May at 7am.  Students are expected to return by 6pm on Friday 26th and any changes to this time will be advised through Compass.


Families are advised that Mount Beauty Tennis Club is currently offering half-yearly membership for new members until 30th September 2023, at half the annual fee.  More information can be found in the Community Notices of this newsletter or you can join online here.






