Middle School Update

We have had an amazing and busy Term 2 in the Middle School! Students have been participating in a range of activities both in and out of the classroom.
Year 10 excursions
ART students went on a Gallery excursion where they discussed the presentation and relationships of artworks in an exhibition, and how the display enhances the relationship between the artist and audience.
VCD students visited exhibitions to view a variety of design applications from the three different fields of design (Visual Communication, Industrial and Environmental Design).
Chinese Language students went into the city to discover the experiences of the early Chinese migrants to Australia. By contrast of the past and the present, our students were inspired to appreciate our multi-cultural society.
During the last week of term, our Year 10 Program and Duke of Edinburgh students participated in whole day volunteering activities. Some of the volunteering opportunities our students engaged with were:
- Supporting classroom activities at Laburnum Primary School.
- Assisting with maintaining the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary.
- Clean up Australia Day at Ringwood Lake, Birrarung Marr and Black’s walk.
- Supporting our elderly community at a local retirement facility.
Year 9 excursions
Half our Year 9s went out on their Geography fieldwork excursions this term. Students visited The Queen Victoria Market and continued exploring the curriculum focus on biomes and food security.
Our German Language students were able to experience the celebration of German culture in Melbourne. They viewed a German movie, which was part of the 'Kino for Kids' screenings at the annual German Film Festival. Students also walked to the Hofbräuhaus to eat a traditional German meal for lunch.
The GAPP class visited Balwyn High for a STEM-based program. Our schools are coming together to create opportunities for GAPP students to collaborate and participate in seminars and workshops.
Athletics carnival
This term, we had our whole school Athletics carnival at Hagenauer Reserve. It was a great day on the track seeing so many of our students race and participate in house activities. Well done to all, we look forward to seeing how some of you go representing BHHS at our division event next term.
Congrats to our intermediate sporting teams this term. We had a number of students compete and represent our school in AFL, Badminton and Netball. We also saw many students participate in our lunchtime competitions run by the Sport and House Prefects this term. It is great seeing our students getting involved in activities with other year levels.
Congratulations to our middle school students who participated in our School production, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of the Barbary Coast!
Gareema & Deeksha R, Milly F, Amelie L, Emily F, Opal D, Michael B, Kiera K, Taj O, Ava W, Eliza P, Oak E, Jinglin Y. Kallin D, Leigh H and Sarah L.
Year 10 Peer Support students have continued working with our Year 7s this Term. Students have been running a variety of activities throughout the term to promote inclusion and strengthen relationships within their classes.
Midyear exams!
Congratulations to our Year 10s who have completed their first round of exams during weeks 8 and 9. This was a great opportunity for students to begin developing their study skills, revision processes and to experience exam conditions leading into their final years of schooling.
Subject selections for 2024- next term!
Year 9s completed their Morrisby consultations this term. This allows our students to learn about themselves and discover possible careers and subjects they might not have thought of previously. These results will be beneficial to review with your child leading up to subject selection.
This semester, our Year 10s completed their career action plans. This has the focus on investigating a range of options and planning their pathway towards broad career goals. Students draw on increasing self-knowledge and understanding of education and training requirements to inform their decisions. We encourage you to discuss this with your child leading up to subject selection.
Subject selection information evening 13th July- (online via Webex)
Year 9s going into Year 10 in 2024 will be at 7:00-7:30pm
Year 10s going into Year 11 in 2024 will be at 7:45-8:15pm
A Webex link will be posted on Compass in the coming weeks.
Students will also be introduced to the subject selection process during our assemblies on 11th July.
A couple of friendly reminders about our attendance and uniform policies:
Every day counts.
- Going to school every day is the single most important part of your teenager’s education.
- Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.
We are monitoring student attendance and will be in contact if your child has an unexplained absence or is away for a long period of time. Please reach out to the Year Level Coordinator if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s attendance.
School uniform.
School uniforms are a key way of developing a sense of togetherness among students. Please make sure your child is in full school uniform. During Term 2 and 3, students are expected to be in winter uniform. We will be completing uniform blitzes next term and will be in contact with families if we are observing consistent uniform concerns.
- Uniform can be purchased at PSW: Making your school look great Box Hill High School - Schools (psw.com.au)
Please reach out if you require any support organising uniform.
School for student leadership
Next Term, we say goodbye to 5 of our Year 9s as they go off to Don Valley for Term 3: Kallin, Dae, Rory, James and Deeksha. This experience will give students the opportunity to grow into better citizens and leaders through increased self-awareness, social engagement, community connection and environmental stewardship. We are excited to see your skills develop as you plan a school community learning project to implement when you return.
Stefanie Bear begun maternity leave this Term. Thank you for all your work and support in the Middle School this year. We wish you all the best for the future and look forward to you coming back and visiting with baby Bear!
I hope our Middle School students and families have a restful break over the holidays. I look forward to working with you all next term.
Eleanor Smith
Head of Middle School