Library News

The Library has continued to be a hive of activity during Term 2. Our Library Leaders have been fabulous, working the front desk before school, recess and lunchtime, learning new skills and helping us to meet the needs of our library users and we also had 6 Year 10 students who started with us, working towards completing their Duke of Edinburgh volunteer time.
Our student Shadow Judges got off to a great start reading the Top 6 books shortlisted by the Children’s Book Council of Australia in both the older and younger readers category and meeting every Wednesday before school to read and discuss which book/s they believe best meet the official criteria. Students in Book Club have continued to help select new books to add to our shelves and recommend great books to snuggle up with as the weather gets colder and our Chess Club and Knitting Club have continued to grow in popularity. Just another busy, thriving, fabulous school term in our library at Box Hill High School.
Students from Year 7 through to Year 12 signed up this term to be a CBCA Shadow Judges and read the top 6 books that were shortlisted in both the younger readers and the older readers category for Book of the Year by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA). Students have been provided with the books that cover a broad range of genres and themes and meet every Wednesday morning from 8-8.30am to discuss the merits of each book based on the official judging criteria. And this term we teamed up with Breakfast Club so students can get a crumpet and a hot chocolate before we sit down and chat. The aim is that each student will select their favourite book and create a response for it and then in Term 3, as a whole group, we will decide which book we believe will win from both the younger and the older readers category before the official announcement is made in August later this year.
Running every Thursday morning from 8-8.30am, Book Club has merged with Breakfast Club and students from every year level are invited with their book to get some breakfast and a hot chocolate. Running in the Wellbeing space, students can either enjoy the relaxing half hour to read before the start of their school day or, share their recommendations for the best books to snuggle up with on cold winter days. A great way to incorporate daily reading and mindfulness into their day, this has been a popular pit stop on Thursday mornings.
At the end of Term 1, parents and students who signed up to the Parent Student Book Club were invited into the library and chat about the books that were recommended in Term 1 and discuss the books that I was recommending for Term 2. Inspired by the recent announcement two of the books that I selected for Term 2 were last year’s winners of the CBCA book of the year; Rebecca Lim’s book Tiger Daughter won the best book in the Older Readers category and A Glasshouse of Stars written by Shirley Marr won the Younger Readers category. Both are stories that explore the challenges faced by immigrants and both are #OwnVoices novels; that is, they are books about characters from underrepresented groups in literature in which the author shares the same identity.
This was a really lovely afternoon and we are looking forward to inviting our Parent Student Book Club participants into the library again at the end of Term 2. Just a reminder that you are welcome to join our Parent Student Book Club at anytime.
If you would like to sign up to join our Termly Book Club, send me an email at and I will add you to the email list.
Library Leaders have been doing AMAZING work supporting the library in the daily operations and the students across the school. Over 20 students from Year 7 -10 have been working at the library front desk every morning before school, recess, and lunchtime to help our busy library run smoothly. They have applied themselves to learn the new processes of operating the loans desk, managing the daily library quizzes, and informing winners with passion and zeal. We look forward to working with them in Term 3.
Chess has seen a marked increase in the school with over 25 games of chess being played every recess and lunchtime. It is game that demands precise logical thinking, intense concentration, patience, and perseverance. It promotes efficient problem-solving abilities, strong analytical and logical skills and thoughtfully considered, strategic decisions under pressure and it promotes good sportsmanship. So, after the success of Term One’s Chess Tournament where we unveiled the new perpetual winner’s plaque in the Chess Club room, the library will be running both a Junior and a Senior chess tournament over two separate days in the last week of Term 2. Thank you to our five chess leaders who come in weekly to ensure that the boards and pieces are all tidied and ready to be used and we look forward to running these two days with the support and knowledge of teacher and chess enthusiast, Chris Bailey.
The Knitting Club has also soared in popularity, and we are seeing students coming in daily to grab their knitting or crochet needles to create some fabulous items. From dolls to mittens, scarves and gorgeous flowers, students from all year levels and abilities have been coming to the library to work with Ms Yu and Ms Sorenson on a Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime to learn how to knit and crochet and then spending other days in the library perfecting their skills. If you have any spare wool sitting at home and would be happy to donate it, we have a great group who can use it. Please drop it off to the front office or email