Student Spotlight
Structured Workplace Learning
Student Spotlight
Structured Workplace Learning
Sam M – Year 11 VM (Vocational Major)
Sam is currently studying the VCE VM and attending TAFE where he is studying Cert III Early Childhood Education and Care. Sam is currently completing his SWL (Structured Workplace Learning) placement at Chocklits Child Care in Ringwood. Sam has had the opportunity to work across all areas of the centre, from the baby's room to the kinder room.
Sam is a crowd favourite in the 3-year old’s room, the littlies flock to him every chance they get, especially when they are enjoying time outdoors. Sam is keen to continue SWL at Chocklits as the staff are welcoming and encouraging and the littlies are a joy to work with.
What a valuable contribution Sam is making to the lives of young people by studying Early Childhood Education and working in the childcare industry – an industry that is in high demand of professionals.
Lucio L – Year 11 VM
Lucio is completing his first year of Cert II Building and Construction through Box Hill Institute, whilst completing the VCE VM.
Lucio is undertaking SWL thorough his family business, Lazcon Builders. Lucio has been fortunate to work on two work sites, Alphington, and Brunswick, which has given him great exposure to all facets of a new home build. The Alphington build is extremely impressive, and Lucio has been a part of it since the build started over two years ago. Lucio has taken immense pride in sharing his carpentry skills with us and showing us progress photos, the site visits did not disappoint! I was able to walk through the three-storey home, with each room explained to me, right down to the under-floor heating, floor coverings and the pink powder room tiles.
Lucio is keen to get up early each Wednesday for work as he learns something new each day and feels a sense of pride with what he has achieved by days end.
What an amazing experience to be able to continue studying at BHHS whilst also having the exposure to real life work.
Huge congratulations to Emma for her well-deserved award for
"Box Hill Institute School Based Apprentice of the Year".
Emma his in her second year of her SBAT in hairdressing and has been working for Kawsa Hair Studio. She landed her school based apprenticeship after visiting the salon as a client and requested she complete her SBAT with the salon.
Emma will continue with her apprenticeship in hairdressing when she finishes year 12 at the end of this year.
The BHHS community would like to congratulate Emma on her exciting career and admirable accomplishment whilst completing her VCE.