UniMelb Maths Competition

In Week 2 of Term 2, we had the UniMelb Maths Competition running as well as the Open Afternoon!
This is an annual competition that is run by The University of Melbourne. It is an unconventional high-school maths competition that requires a higher level of mathematical insight and creativity. About 3000 to 5000 students enter the competition, and some 150 are awarded prizes.
There are three main divisions:
Junior: Students in years 7 and 8 sit a two-hour exam
Intermediate: Students in years 9 and 10 sit a three-hour exam
Senior: Students in years 11 and 12 sit a three-hour exam.
A sample of a Junior paper looks like the following:
You can find out more about the competition here: https://mathscomp.ms.unimelb.edu.au/about/
At BHHS, we’ve had 25 Intermediate and 69 Junior registrations! The results will be released sometime in August, and I can’t wait to find out if we have some real passionate mathematicians around! 😊
Open Afternoon – Maths
At the Open Arvo, Maths was running an exciting in-house multiplication competition! Everyone (student, parent, or teacher) was welcomed to participate.
Speed and accuracy of multiplication were tested along with hand-eye coordination!
The above was the Leaderboards at the end of the day! We hope you had fun :)
You can test your multiplication skills here (or train for next year’s)! https://www.arcademics.com/games/grand-prix
Along with that, we also had displays of problem-solving tasks, extension opportunitie, and student work on display.
Thanks to everyone who came and joined us! 😊
Lynette Ng
Head of Maths and Tech