Science Domain

The start to 2023 has come and gone very quickly and here we are halfway through the year already. It’s been very good for student labs skills, having consistent learning in the classroom since the beginning of 2022.
The entire Year 7 Cohort took part in the Australian Science Innovations, ‘Big Science Competition’ earlier in Term 2. This multiple-choice test focuses on how students can use their science knowledge and critical thinking skills to solve problems. Results are yet to be published, but with how hard our students work we look forward receiving them soon.
Open night was very successful for the Science Department as we got to showcase the exciting learning opportunities student have while studying either junior or senior science at BHHS. The highlight of the evening is always watching Mr Guy Parkinson create mini fireballs in the hands of visitors.
Our VCE Chemistry students have been hart at work recently, designing and conducting an experiment of their choice. Below shows the setup of one group as they look at the efficiency of electroplating.
As the term draws to a close, we wish every teacher, student and their family an enjoyable and restful break.
By Braedan Johnstone
Science Domain Leader