The Wellbeing Hub

Year 7 focus = Growth Mindset & Self awareness of our Emotional Responses.
Year 8 focus = Inclusivity, Gender Norms & Power & Privilege in relationships we have with others in our lives.
Year 9 focus = Positive coping strategies for stress & our character strengths.
The Resilience Project
'Connected Parenting Workshop' with Lael Stone – in person at Box Hill High School.
Term 3 - 6.30pm Thursday 31st August
IDAHOBIT Day 17th May
HeadSpace and Family Access Network undertook activities with students at lunchtime.
Families are reminded of BHHS Child Safe policies which can be found on our website.
Our staff work continuously to strengthen Child Safe processes in the school with all staff participating in updating our policies during Semester 1 alongside a stringent review with the Department of Education.
Communication Protocols
Please be aware that families, students and staff are only to communicate via official school platforms: onsite at school, Compass (email @education or @boxhillhs) or TEAMS. BHHS have added specific protocols around communication:
- Wherever possible, communication between staff and students should occur in the classroom
- Box Hill HS uses Compass email to communicate with students and families about school events
- Microsoft Teams is the approved platform through which staff and students can communicate on a one-to-one basis and only where necessary to support learning tasks which cannot otherwise be reasonably supported in the classroom.
- All teaching direction should occur in the classroom.
- Where it is anticipated that students will need to collaborate on an online platform, student forums are to be established on Microsoft Teams so that students can share queries and teacher responses can be viewed by all group members.
- Some students may send a direct communication to their teacher where they are not comfortable raising a query in a group setting.
- Teachers to respond in classroom or group setting wherever possible (can be done without identifying the student)
- Can respond directly where reasonable and necessary for that student’s learning
- Student-to-student chat function is disabled outside of teacher supervised forum
We encourage any community feedback on BHHS Child Safe Standards to be directed to Felicity Shiel-Jones, Student Services Leader.
New Team Member
Our school community warmly welcomes our new Student Counsellor Grace Ren who joins our wellbeing team.
Wellbeing Hub Lunchtime Activities
Students who would enjoy a peaceful space at lunchtime are warmly welcome to the Wellbeing Hub 1.15pm-1.45pm daily.
Monday = Yoga
Tuesday = DND
Wednesday = Mindfulness
Thursday = Q&A Club
Friday = Brain Challenge
We are concerned about some of our students who have taken up vaping and know that this is a common issue across most schools. To tackle this significant health problem, schools have been working hard to educate students on the dangers of vaping and use of e-cigarettes.
Vaping is strictly forbidden at Box Hill High School and there are consequences for students who are caught vaping, who possess vaping materials or who are bystanders while other students vape. We will always inform parents/carers if students are found vaping or in possession of vapes.
Parents, carers, schools, and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects smoking and vaping.
Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.
The Department of Education and Training has developed resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping, and some suggestions about how to talk to children and young people about vaping, and where to get support. To access the resources, go to
You can also view this video on smoking and vaping from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne for health advice and tips for starting a conversation with young people. as per link below.
Wellbeing Team 2023 | |||
Felicity Shiel-Jones Student Services Leader | Grace Ren Student Counsellor | Colin Osborn Student Counsellor | Bowen Guan Mental Health Practitioner |
Dani Balon | Shivangi Sharma | Joy Zhong | Caitlyn Dimech |