Music Performance

House Performance
The annual celebration of performing arts through music, dance and acting - with some House points on offer is House Performance. This year's event was on Thursday 11 May.
We were delighted to have former College Captain and accomplished musician Amethyst Parlanti (Class of 2019) as our guest adjudicator. There were spirited and eclective performances from our students (and some teachers) across all year levels. The 2023 results are:
- Music Solo - Maddie Lewis from Jackson
- Dance Solo - Cerin Luke from Melba
- Drama Sketch - Alizea Lingi-Kambaja, Katerina Zouzoulas and Scarlett Fraser from Mackellar
- Massed choral item was Jackson
The winning house was JACKSON
Congratulations to all students who performed. Thank you to the comperes - Performing Arts Captains Amelia Szabo and Scarlett Wells. Special thanks to Eric Ho for assisting with the production of the event.
Choirs at Monsalvaat
The All Star Choir and Madrigal, under the direction of Ms Blanka West, performed at Montsalvat on Sunday 7 May.
MGSC was once again part of the select program of beautiful choral singing inside the Montsalvat art galleries. It was promoted as music by and for adults, youth and children. Our students offered an eclectic mix of pieces including Ed Sheeran, Miley Cyrus and Sia.
Tim Veevers
Director of Performing Arts