Year Level Leaders Report

Year 9 Leader Report
Our Middle School students made a positive return to their school routines for Term 2. Term 2 is crucial as it is the closing cycle of assessments for the first semester of the year. It is also an enriching time for our students both educationally and socially.
We began the term with a welcoming Middle School Assembly in Week 2. The assembly provided valuable opportunities for students to refocus their goals for achievement and success. It created the space for students to come together not only to touch base with learning directions and school values but also to be inspired by peer and staff presentations.
Our students Jack Wright (YR9) and Isavella Dimopoulos (YR10) initiated the assembly with the Acknowledgement of Country and paid due respect to the Indigenous contribution in WW1 and the Anzacs.
Isavella -
We would like to take a moment to acknowledge, appreciate and honour the effort, sacrifice and bravery, contributed by First Nations people to the wars fought for our country. As they also fought in both the world wars and external wars, they deserve our gratitude, respect and acknowledgment for the complexities of fighting on behalf of a colonising government. Sovereignty was never ceded.
Jack -
We show empathy to the traditional custodians of the land by properly acknowledging the contribution that they have made in our defence forces, which wasn’t recognised in the past and has not been fully appreciated until recently. We can also show empathy by hearing and listening to their stories and experiences.
Isavella -
We can show gratitude to our first nations people and the land we are on by being respectful of them, through constantly listening to and learning from them and by endeavouring to better understand their history and culture, as well as working with the indigenous community to implement their knowledge.
Jack -
We are present and mindful on this land when we make the effort to connect with the people and the natural world that makes up a country when we try to deeply look and deeply listen to what's around us and to show appropriate respect.
Isavella -
We can also be present and mindful by listening to their ecological insights, and working with the indigenous community to implement them - first nations people are ecological masters and we have much to learn from them. Thank you.
Eloise Triferis (YR9) recited the poem, “In Flanders Fields,” a war poem written during the First World War by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, who was inspired to write it on May 3, 1915, after presiding over the funeral of a friend and fellow soldier Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, who died in the Second Battle of Ypres.
In Flanders Fields-BY JOHN MCCRAE
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That marks our place and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce was heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch: be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
One of our newly appointed teachers, Grant Bowman, presented a moving PowerPoint presentation on the Anzac Campaign at Gallipoli and the unjustified loss of young Australian soldiers from an emerging young nation desperately caught between searching for a national identity and the duty to serve the British Empire. The presentation was followed by a Minute’s Silence and reflection.
Every generation of students needs to know and understand the sacrifices of Australian soldiers, almost as young as themselves, who saw war as an adventure and an honour to serve their country. Commemorative services always leave a moving imprint in our memory so that we learn and never forget the lessons from our history. We show our gratitude to their human sacrifice for our freedom, every year on the 25th of April.
“Lest We Forget"
In the following weeks, Year 9-10 students will participate in various initiatives and programs at South Oakleigh College such as:
- The Melbourne Writers Festival-YRs 7-9 Accelerated English classes
- House Cross Country
- The Elevate Education Program-Cyber Safety-Study Skills
- YR9 Girls Empowerment Program
- Historical Fashion Day
- National Careers Week
- Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea
Students are always encouraged to contribute and participate in the enrichment events at the College. It is a busy term as staff and students are also completing semester CATs and assessments.
The Student Led Parent/Teacher Conferences in Week 2 were also a beneficial signpost for students, parents, and teachers to meet and discuss student progress and learning strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Our teaching and learning purposes continue to be embedded in our SOC values:
High Expectations-Respect-Responsibility-Resilience-Team work
Thank You to the Middle School Team and all SOC Teachers
Phyllis Dimakakos
Year Level Leader: 9
Year 10 Leader Report
In looking back over the past few weeks at South Oakleigh College, it must be said it's an understatement to say that we have packed a lot in 2023 for our Year 10 students. The South Oakleigh school community has come together, demonstrating our school values of Respect, High Expectations, Responsibility, Resilience and Teamwork. As a year level, we have unity and the Year 10 goal this term, is to embrace the opportunity to do our best. As we head into Week 5 Term 2, we have created the best learning environment possible for our Year 10 students. As a Team Leader, I am confident that our students will continue to thrive in Term 2 with students completing their assessment tasks on time and performing well in their Semester 1 exams, which will take place in Term 2 Week 7.
Our Year 10 students have also continued to strive for personal excellence through a range of different projects, competitions, and representative roles over this term. The students have led the way with Year 10 Volleyball Boys teams and Girls teams, participating in the Interschool sports competitions against quality opposition. The outstanding achievements of all sporting teams are a testament to their effort, skills, and discipline. The motivation and teamwork of the players were greatly appreciated by their coaches, who spoke highly of the players both on and off the court.
The other significant sporting event to begin Term 2 was the House Cross Country. On Tuesday, May the 9th 2023 our students participated in this annual event. A fantastic day was enjoyed by all participants, and we extend thanks and congratulations to Mr Jason Knee and the staff for planning, coordinating, and running such a successful event.
In the cultural learning space, students have been super active with multiple opportunities to contribute to significant arts projects within the school and the wider community. They have also been involved in Drama and Music activities throughout the beginning of Term 2. As our Middle School Team is based in the Drama/Music area, there have been several Year 10 students who have gained confidence in themselves and excelled in their performances in Year 10.
In Year 10, what was equally more important were the milestones in the academic programs for students that took place in term 2. Students completed PAT tests and Year 10 students completed externally set tasks as part of the learning program for semester one. While reporting processes have been different in 2023, I am confident that parents and carers have been kept informed of student progress through regular communication with middle school coordinators and teachers and through the recent parent evening that took place on Thursday, May the 4th 2023, where many meetings were held to support student learning.
Additionally, information about student transition for year 10 students has been provided this semester, with year 10s and their parents and caregivers being more involved in their career path. Students have also been organising their work experience. This process of co-designing student pathways will be ongoing in term 2 and beyond, to ensure that we assist every student to engage in purposeful and relevant educational options as they progress to senior schooling at South Oakleigh College. Thank you to Ms Aviva Mulloy and our Director of Students Mr Travis Knox for their ongoing work to guide our students towards long-term future success at South Oakleigh College.
In closing, I would just like to thank our Year 10 staff and students for their leadership over the semester. Ms Jacinta Marlborough and the Year 10 Peer Support Students. Whether in a formal role, or in the day-to-day way the Year 10 Peer Support Students and leaders offer a viewpoint, contribute an idea, and set an example for others. Our Year 10 students have many 'champions' and I am grateful for them all. Through our shared sense of purpose, the impossible becomes possible, the ordinary becomes special and therefore our school becomes a community.
Thank you to everyone who has provided opportunities for our school community, to see the best in themselves and others, and build confidence around the fact that every person, every effort, and every contribution matters. As a team leader, I'm looking forward to what Term 2 will bring, but I am sure it will be awesome for our Year 10 students at South Oakleigh College.
Arnie Ioannidis
Year Level Leader: 10
Year 11 Leader Report
Preparing for Success – Mid-Year Exams
As Year 11 students, you are preparing to embark on a crucial phase of your academic journey - exams. These assessments not only test your knowledge and understanding of the subjects but also play a significant role in determining your future academic and professional endeavours. To help you excel during this challenging period, we have prepared a guide to exam preparation. By following these essential tips, you can boost your confidence, maximise your performance, and achieve the success you desire. The pressure to perform well can take a toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing. However, it is important to remember that stress is a natural response, therefore it is essential to look after yourself and to take some time out of your busy schedule for rest and relaxation.
Wishing you all the best for your upcoming exams and if extra support is needed, please come and see myself or Ms Terdich.
Jessica Ferguson
Year Level Leader: 11