Principal's Report 

Term 2 Report

It’s been a strong start to learning this term. As I have been visiting classrooms, the calm, purposeful way that our students have started the term has been notable.


Attendance continues to be a real focus area for our staff. We understand fully the importance of students remaining engaged and connected and how important this is to not only their social and academic growth but also their individual wellbeing. I would ask families to please support this focus by maximising their child’s attendance at school and providing relevant communication via the Compass Parent Portal ( when absences are due to illness or other important matters. The General Office can provide families with assistance if they experience difficulties with their login. Please also contact the Student Service Team if you have any concerns for your child in this area.


There is an increase in the number of staff and students who have contracted colds, viruses and COVID-19, so I ask that everyone be aware of the need to remain at home if they are unwell and to report any positive cases of Coronavirus via the Compass Parent Portal ( and the Victorian Department of Education's Portal (


Our Breakfast Club, Homework Club and Tutor Support Initiatives have also seen significant student involvement. I would encourage all students to consider taking advantage of both the healthy food provided before school and the after-school study environment to support their learning and wellbeing.


Student Attitude to School Survey 2023

A Compass Newsfeed went out recently informing families about the Department of Education's annual student survey. It is important to note that the survey takes only 20 – 45 minutes to complete. Whilst the survey is anonymous, it still provides our school with valuable information about the opinions of our students on how best we can improve student engagement, wellbeing and quality of instruction. As a College, we value student voice and the opportunity that this survey provides for students to have a say about their school.



This week we celebrated IDAHOBIT with the Student Representative Council and Alphabet Soup Club holding a bake sale in the downstairs foyer at recess and lunch. Students and staff were also encouraged to wear colourful socks with their normal uniform on the day. IDAHOBIT is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia. It aims to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ rights and stimulate interest in the work being done in this area worldwide.



Curriculum Day - Wednesday 31st May

We are in the process of organising our pupil-free Curriculum Day for Wednesday 31st May. All staff will participate in a range of professional learning activities. Students are not required to attend school on this day. I look forward to reporting back to the school community on how the curriculum day went.


On behalf of all our staff, I wish our College Community a productive and successful rest of the term.









Helen Koziaris

College Principal