Principals Report

Ms Stephanie Scott

Well it's taken a while  - over 3 years - but I finally succumbed to my first case of covid! Not pleasant but I think I'm on the mend. Timely reminder that we can't become complacent and need to keep monitoring for symptoms; it's definitely still very much part of our lives!


Last week we acknowledged and celebrated Reconciliation week. Thank you to Roxy and the Junior AECG and Mrs V for organising activities and presentations which can be seen in this edition.


Once again I'd like to thank the Tenterfield Rotary club for all that they do to support our school. On Sat 27th May they held their annual trivia competition which raises money to send our students to the Driver Education Expo in Tamworth. Thank you to to the two teams of staff  who supported this evening. Earlier in the year Rotary sponsored Yr 9 student Amelia Robertson to attend a RYPEN camp (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment). Amelia gave an excellent presentation to Rotary about this and it was obvious how much she gained from the experience. There are many other opportunities for Rotary to support our young people - anyone interested is encouraged to come and see me.


As we get to the end of the term a reminder that we need families who have leased a device from the school to ensure that they are up to date with the lease fee. We understand the rising cost of living pressures, so there are payment plans available as well as student assistance applications  - please contact the school office for further information about these options. It is paramount that we continue giving students this opportunity to have their own device, however, to do so, we must have families support this by paying the leasing fee or applying for student assistance.


Finally, I'm very disappointed that covid is preventing me from attending Grandparents Day this year! Thank you to Mrs Roberta Koch for organising and I look forward to seeing all the pictures on Facebook.


Ms Stephanie Scott
