Grade 3/4 Writing

Over the past few weeks, several of our Year 3-6 classes have been working with our school writing consultant, Ann Angelopoulos, to revise several of our writing strategies.
Below are some writing samples from our Year 3\4 students:
In search of Dragons
What if you saw a brutal blue under the deep, deep deep seas….? What if you saw an evil giant sleeping zzzzz….? What if the water exploded with fire….? BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Jeylin 3/4A
Imagine a big, huge king beast-roaming, chasing and hunting the entire lands. The beast firing at anything it sees! Above an explosive fire tornado. Below, monstrous weeds covering dynasties making no way in and no way out! Tangle! Tangle! Things go from BAD to GOOD the giant made the earth back alive! The king dragon moved like thunder and took me for a little flight. We flew into the beyond……WOOSH! Zoey G 3/4A
Things are switching from BAD to WORSE!! Boom!! Swish!! The monster was destroying the world and damaging the golden coins. The earth was slowly turning dark making a big hole. And the earth does not exist anymore…. Ian 3/4A
Thunder and lightning strikes! The blue rain pours all around me! Wild tentacles like a sizzling snake breathe anger like a lion. And metal spears like long, sharp claws. Suddenly, it jumps towards me, then I jumped away….And “Gold” I yell. Nia 3/4A
What if they lived under your antique beds….? What if they roamed the universe …? What if these mythical monsters randomly appeared…. Right now! Things are finally turning around for me … YAY! I’m the luckiest kid in town …. Michael 3/4A
There it stopped… suddenly there was a meat-eating creature in front of me. I slowly looked up and saw a deadly and powerful MONSTER! I gasped in fear and shock. A DANGEROUS, BLOODY DRAGON ---------! The sky gets worse, the cracks get bigger, and most houses are gone! Moanalee 3/4B
Rulers of kingdoms were erupting, and lava was soaring like golden eagles. Empires were kidnapping children and bold dragons were saving the universe, people celebrate with joy … SWISH! SWOSH! Rusiru 3/4A
Uh Oh … ? There it is … Suddenly the fire breathing beast is about to bounce on me! The sky was clear, the sun was shining. Trees were blooming as green as grass. The temperature was as perfect as gold. I can finally sleep. Everything was perfect ….
Elias 3/4A
What if you found mythical creatures lurking in the woods. What if you knew these mythical monsters were alive ‘yikes’ This would be incredible! What if you felt a wild mysterious creature sneak towards you …? The clouds turn grey and be breathe
anger …! Nawal 3/4A
These monsters will eat their prey and they won’t leave you alive … Below the ground the dead plants are turning into fire … an inferno! Uh Oh …? Suddenly, there it stood! The fire-breathing beast appeared … there it was my biggest fear, my eyes POPPED! Pearl 3/4B
What if you saw brutal, venomous, blood-thirsty monsters flying above your house? What if you witnessed a ball of fire racing towards you …? What is a flying monster was ROAMING the world devouring everything it saw …? Elizabeth 3/4A