Upcoming Events

Friday 2 June
Interschool Sports - Round 6 vs Lalor North PS - HOME
Soccer: Sycamore Reserve, Hawkes Dr, Mill Park
Writing Learning Task goes live to families
Tuesday 6 June
Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser - Gold Coin Donation
2:30pm - In the MPC - Families welcome to attend
Friday 9 June
Interschool Sports - Round 7 vs Epping PS - AWAY
Soccer: Duffy St Recreation Reserve
Monday 12 June
King's Birthday - Public Holiday
Tuesday 13 June
Facilities & Finance Sub Commitee Meeting
Thursday 15 June
Brainstorm Productions Performance - "Zanna and the Lost Code"
Friday 16 June
Interschool Sports - Round 8 vs St Catherine’s - HOME
Soccer: Sycamore Reserve, Hawkes Dr, Mill Park
Reading Task goes live to families
Tuesday 20 June
Semester 1 Reports to go live to families
School Council Meeting - 6:30pm in the staffroom
Thursday 22 June
School of Rock Excursion (Selected Students)
Friday 23 June
LAST DAY OF TERM 2 - 1:45pm Finish
Term Dates for 2023
Term 1:
Monday 30 January - Thursday 6 April
Term 2:
Wednesday 26 April - Friday 23 June
Term 3:
Monday 10 July - Friday 13 September
Term 4:
Monday 2 October - Wednesday 20 December