Connect: Foundation

Important Dates:

Monday 12th June- King’s birthday-

Thursday 15th June- Free Dress Day (gold coin donation) 

Monday 19th June- Parent Teacher Interviews

Friday 23rd June- Last day of school 2:30pm dismissal

Tuesdays-Popcorn sold at recess for $1


Next fortnight of learning:


In Writing we will be writing a personal recount about our animal incursion and we will be illustrating a matching picture. We will be writing a personal connection to a Big Book we have read titled ‘After The Storm’.  Our vocabulary word from the text is ‘during’. 



In Reading we will be reading non fiction texts and identifying facts from the text.  We will be adding /u/, /k/, /j/ and /w/ to our bank of letters: c, t, a, i, s, m, p, o, n, f, d, g, h, b, e, l, v, y, r. Heart Words covered so far are: said, I, a, to, here, my, see, the, with, come, for. Our new heart word is 'was'.

Her is a link to our Phonics song:



In Maths we will be participating in inquiry tasks and telling and modelling our stories. We will continue to create addition stories and record our combinations to match our stories.

Here is a link to our addition story:



In Wellbeing we will be discussing our personal strengths and how we are all different. We will drawing a tree and adding our personal strengths to the tree.



Students will be learning about the important places in their environment and exploring a variety of different habitats. We will be learning about the amazing animals that are found in Australia.



We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.


Wildlife Incursion

The children absolutely loved learning about the animals from ‘Wildlife Xposure’. They were able to bravely hold some of the animals and give them a pat. We saw lizards, possums, snakes, a frog, a turtle, a kookaburra and even a crocodile!