Principal's Report

Jane Briffa | Principal

Dear Skye Families, 

Welcome to the second last newsletter for the term. We have had some great feedback on our new format and hope that you are enjoying keeping up to date with all the goings on at Skye PS at your fingertips. 

Unfortunately after my great time at camp with our wonderful Grade Sixes, I managed to share their flu germs and ended up at home all of last week trying to recover. There are definitely some nasty viruses circulating at present. It is a timely reminder to keep up with the hygiene practices that we learnt during Covid eg. washing hands, maintaining healthy distances or sneezing and coughing into an elbow. While we know that attendance at school everyday is key to success for our students, it is also imperative that children who are genuinely sick stay at home. We thank you for your efforts to keep everyone in our community well during the coming winter months. 


On Tuesday, our beautiful new ANZAC memorial, arrived and was erected at the top of the steps near the gym.  We are continually working on making our school environment a beautiful space for our students to learn and thrive in. Unfortunately anything to do with upgrades are hugely expensive and at the end of the day resourcing our classrooms and student learning programs are our priority. I have a strong belief however, that the creation of a calm and orderly learning environment plays are vital role in providing the best conditions for student engagement. Our wonderful PTF are putting aside funds to support upgrades to the yard and our School Council are constantly keeping upgrades to buildings and grounds on the agenda. Our next big project will be refurbishing the old admin building. If you are interested in joining our Buildings & Grounds Committee, please do not hesitate to contact the office. 


You will have seen information regarding your parent/teacher interviews with your child's teacher. Please look out for more details in Mr Bernau's report in the Curriculum section of this newsletter.    


Enrolment for our 2024 Foundation Students is well underway and places are filling fast. Our school tours have been well attended with large groups of parents and carers joining us to learn more about our school. If you are an existing family who have a younger child joining Skye Primary next year, please ensure that you get your enrolment forms in as soon as possible. We have a large number of families on a waiting list who do not reside in our zone. We will be making decisions in the first few weeks of next term on how many 'out of zone' enrolments we can accept for 2024. Priority will be given to those who have a sibling already enrolled at our school. All enrolment applications are due by Friday 28 July and all families will be notified of their application outcomes by Friday 11 August.  We would hate for anyone to miss out, so recommend that you get your paperwork in before the end of this term if possible.  


We hope you all have a lovely long weekend! Stay warm and take the opportunity to eat cake ... to celebrate the 'Kings' Birthday of course! (well that is what I will be telling myself)


Jane Briffa (Principal)