Connect: Year 4

Term 2 - Weeks 8 & 9

Important Grade 4 Dates 
Grade 4 and 5 Art Centre ExcursionThursday 22nd June

Congratulations to our Bronze Award winners!!!!

The Next Fortnight of Learning 


Over the next two weeks we will be working on:

  • Practising our Book Club roles with our non-fiction texts
  • Our vocabulary words are mass-produced, endurance, rations and indulge
  • Finding the main idea through the use of topic sentences
  • Creating nonfiction paragraphs using a Single Paragraph Outline
  • Creating appropriate topic sentences and conclusion sentences for our paragraphs
  • Writing a review on 'The Grumpiest Boy in the World' performance


Over the next two weeks we will be working on:

  • Solving real-life addition and multiplication math problems using the RUMOUR strategy
  • Multiplication strategies to solve 1-digit X 2-digit equations
  • Math mystery
  • Number talks  


This term students will identify connections between themselves and other people, places and environments in their lives. They will be able to locate Australia's neighbouring countries and be able to contribute to conversations about what life may be life in these places. Students will build on their understanding of the geography of Australia and its position in the world, as they navigate information technology and cartographic tools and resources.



Over the next two weeks students will be practising:

  • Identifying communication skills that enhance peer support and help-seeking.
  • Identifying a range of conflict resolution and help-seeking strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems.
  • Discussing the concept of leadership and identifying situations where it is appropriate to adopt this role.
  • Describing and applying strategies that can be used in situations that make them uncomfortable or unsafe.


  • Please practise your multiplication facts. 
  • Remember to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.
  • To borrow library books students need a library bag - this can be satchel, pillow case, tote bag etc.

A Celebration of Learning 

4A and 4B did an AMAZING job presenting their debates to an audience earlier in the term. Mr Bernau, an important guest, gave students positive feedback. We all were very impressed with our students' confidence, focus and professionalism. Well done 4A and 4B!!