Connect: Year 3
June 2023
Connect: Year 3
June 2023
As you may see by our banner, this past week has been all about our amazing feathered and furry native animals! The Grade Three (and 2/3C) attended Moonlit Sanctuary last Thursday and we were so impressed by the students, the information they shared and the quality of questions they asked. We would like to extend a big thank you as well for our lovely helpers that assisted on the day. Scroll down further to see a gallery of photos!
Dates | Event |
Monday 12th June | Public Holiday (King's Birthday) |
Thursday 15th June | Free Dress Day (Donations to Exford Primary School) |
Monday 19th June | Pupil Free Day (Parent Teacher Interviews) |
Tuesday 20th June | Brainstorm Productions |
Friday 23rd June | Last Day of School- Early dismissal (2.30pm) |
Literacy: We are well and truly in the thick of researching, drafting and publishing informative pieces about our experiences at Moonlit and what we have learned about our native Australian animals. The students have been exploring features of non fiction texts and have been looking at a mix of books, online articles and interactive books through the website Epic. This work will continue for the remainder of the term.
Maths: We have continued with the topic of shape in the past fortnight as well as exploring strategies which help us solve problems with addition and subtraction. We will move onto multiplication and division, including developing strategies on how to solve multi-step problems. Lots of practise of times tables at home will help your child's development in understanding the relationship between the operations.
Inquiry: We continue on our journey in understanding our planet. We practised developing interesting questions to ask during our excursion and learned a little about deforestation. In our final weeks of the unit we will produce a project demonstrating our understanding of conservation status and what level some of our native animals are currently sitting at. These projects will hopefully be on display for everyone to see next term.
Wellbeing: We are continuing to slowly work through our booklet which helps us identify which facial expression show what zone we are in. It is important to be able to read others' expression and body language! We are adding strategies to our booklets so these will be handy for both home and school.
Check out the amazing photos from Moonlit Sanctuary- despite the weather forecast, it turned out to be a brilliant sunny day!
We hope you have a lovely week!
Ash, Taryn, Helen, Kate & Stef