Connect: Year 2

Looking into the sun does NOT make for a photogenic pic...but enjoy a laugh until we get a better one!!

An EXCITING Announcement

We would like to welcome Miss Pendreich's new baby boy, Theodore (Teddy) Michael John Blair. He arrived safely into the world on Monday 29th May at 10.38pm...only 11 days late! In Olivia's words "he is super healthy and just perfect, we couldn't be more in love."

Important Dates

Monday 12th JunePublic Holiday (King's Birthday)
Thursday 15th JuneFree Dress Day (Donations to Exford Primary School)
Monday 19th JunePupil Free Day (Parent Teacher Interviews)
Tuesday 20th JuneBrainstorm Productions
Friday 23rd JuneLast Day of School- Early dismissal (2.30pm)


Breaking News...Just In!!!

The Next Fortnight of Learning


The last two weeks will be spent on editing and publishing narratives completed throughout the term. Students will be given the opportunity to publish with or without digital technologies. We will continue being active readers, predicting, visualising and inferring as we read. Personal reading preferences will continue to develop as we complete book reviews, discussing why we like/dislike a book.


In 2/3C we are starting our information report writing to tie in with Inquiry, which will take us through to the end of term. They will be researching and publishing onto a special 'lapbook' style booklet. The students will be using EPIC, the school library and online info to choose books for their information. 


We will continue our work on problem solving and developing a growth mindset to approach challenging tasks with resilience and determination. The students will be collecting and representing their data using graphs and will continue to use strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. We will finish off the term with some fun Maths games and a craft to celebrate and reflect on our learning during Semester 1.


2/3C are also continuing on with addition and subtraction. They have been encouraged to choose the most efficient strategy for the problem. Solving equations with missing addends by either adding or subtracting is what we focused on this week. Last week we had fun with 3D shapes - making them with playdough and writing their names on the tables was the favourite! We will be touching on fractions before the end of term. So using halves, quarters and thirds at home would be a big help. 


Stimulating Science is going well so far, and we have been enjoying learning lots of different things. Over the next couple of weeks, we will continue to learn about Biology and Earth & Space and hope to start exploring Chemistry and Physics too!

2/3C had a fantastic day at Moonlit Sanctuary last Thursday. The children represented Skye so well, you would have been proud. We saw plenty of koalas, wallabies and kangaroos. Lots of fun was had trying to coerce them to feed from their hands. Patience was the order of the day! The ducks ended up the winners though! Next week the students will be choosing an animal to research, especially looking into their conservation status and what can be done to help those that are vulnerable or endangered. 


Our Term 2 topic for Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships is Help Seeking. During Lesson 3 & 4 of Help-Seeking, students will complete tasks to help them identify the people in their lives from whom they can seek help and discuss the types of situations in which they would be best to seek adult assistance such as when someone is sick or hurt, when something unsafe is happening or when the problem feels too big to solve on their own. We will also continue to explore the Zones of Regulation.

A Celebration of Learning

The Grade 2 students have been getting together on Tuesday for Multi X Maths. This is a small, half hour session, where students play Maths games to increase their fluency with numbers. Ms Perrins taught them a new game called Risk- all you need is a piece of paper, pen/pencil, a dice and something to use as counters. Ask your child about this game, we are sure they would LOVE to play it at home!


We hope you have a wonderful fortnight. Please contact us if you have any questions!

The Grade Two Team- Hailee Eade, Krystal Anderson & Kate Perrins