Meet Our College Captains


Talia Unsworth, Environment Captain - Cranbourne



What do you see as your role as a leader?

To me, a leader is someone who has the courage and ability to set out new and exciting methods for others to follow in their footsteps, whether they are leading people at school or in the wider community. We should all strive to be outstanding leaders in our community. 


What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

One of the benefits of being a student at St. Peters is the supportive community created around the faculty's ability to assist us in becoming better students and, in a broader sense, better community members. The teachers are able to provide us with much of what we require to flourish and develop into our finest selves.


Who is the one person you admire most and why?

There is not only one person who I admire most in the world; there have been so many influential people who have been a part of my life and have shaped me into the person that I am today. The group of people that have influenced me the most throughout my life has been my family, more than anyone else. They have guided me in a way that has led me to become the person I am today through all of my life experiences and how they have changed my life for the better. I look up to my family every day, and I have always looked up to them my whole life. Only choosing one person would be disrespectful to all the others in my family. The personalities in my family are uplifting and supportive of my goals in life, which is why I admire my family more than anybody else.


What are your goals as Captain in 2023?

My goal as the 2023 Environment Captain is to develop the school community so that students and teachers can work together to improve the physical and mental well-being of all students in the school, while also bringing environmental issues that our local community may face to light and helping to combat them. Whether it's helping the homeless or picking up trash, I believe we should all aspire to live in a community that takes care of its spiritual, mental, and physical environment.


 2023 College Theme

“Let your Light Shine” - Matthew 5:16

 How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

In my opinion, "let your light shine" goes hand-in-hand with the French phrase "noblesse oblige," which means to use the power bestowed to me for the benefit of those who do not have it. The authority I have been granted should be used to assist the community, listen to what they have to say and fulfil my duty as Environment Captain by supporting and enhancing the school's community. To be able to develop the school and broader community, I believe "My light" should shine for the benefit of those who are a part of my community and to support them as much as possible. 




Vandan Patel, Environment Captain - Clyde North




What do you see as your role as a leader?

My role as a leader is to encourage and to provide support for others who are keen to help and to make the world a better place. It is also my role to be a representative of the college executive and be a part of the student body in order to represent their voice to the school 


What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

A positive about being a student at St. Peter's College is the amount of opportunities that are given to us in all fields, from hands-on work to STEM or to The Arts. 


Who is the one person you admire most and why?

The person whom I admire the most my teacher Mr Rijs, even though he is an English teacher he is incredibly knowledgeable in numerous domains. He is really hardworking and really cares for his students. All in all he is a very talented, hardworking and a kind man, all characteristics that I aspire to become  


What are your goals as Captain in 2023?

 My goals as a Captain in 2023 is to make the student voice louder and to be an anchor for them. My goal as the environment captain is to start doing little little things as I believe doing little things will eventually lead to big changes and provide a foundation for the next captain and their goals  



 2023 College Theme

“Let your Light Shine” - Matthew 5:16

 How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

I will live by this statement by displaying myself as an excellent student of St. Peter's College and be a great role model to the students