College News 

Message from the College Principal


Hi everyone,


Whilst College principal Anthony Rodaughan is on leave I have been acting on his behalf and had the privilege to meet with some of the student leadership teams across the college to engage in discussion and learn their perspectives on what we are doing well and areas that we could improve to ensure the learning and experience of our students is as successful as possible. Providing opportunities for students to have a voice is something we value at the college and are constantly looking for ways to strengthen.


As usual, there have been a host of events and activities that have run this term with camps, sports, subject excursions, work experience, and guest speakers amongst them. A highlight was our Reconciliation Week ceremony and flag raising at Morwell Campus. Our Awareness Days held at each of our junior campuses for grade 5&6 students earlier this term were great successes with positive feedback from the students and the primary staff who accompanied them. A big thank you to the staff who have contributed to the organisation and smooth running of all these events and also for the positive manner in which students have participated. 


We are drawing close to the end of the first semester and our students have been working to finalise assessments, and teachers have been marking, preparing feedback, and will soon be completing reports. Our VCE students have been undertaking exams including, for many, the General Achievement Test (GAT) and I am sure they will all appreciate the approaching break from classes before heading into the second half of the year.


We hope everyone stays warm and well through the term break. 


Matt Jobling

Acting College Principal 


Reconciliation Week

During Week 6, Kurnai College acknowledge National Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June).


It is a time for all Australians to reflect and learn about our shared histories and achievements with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.


This year’s theme, "Be a Voice for Generations” encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work, and socialise. Here Kurnai College recognises past generations and works for the benefit of future generations, acting today for a more just, equitable, and reconciled country for all.


Activities were held across all campuses to recognise the week and educate the students on reconciliation.


At the Morwell Campus Students, local politicians, members of the Indigenous community, and Aboriginal Elders gathered on Friday 2nd of June to attend a flag-raising ceremony showcasing this year’s theme “Be a Voice for Generations”.

With the recent opening of the administrative building completing the final stages of the Morwell Campus rebuild, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags were raised for the first time on the new flag poles.


A smoking Ceremony welcomed the guests as they arrived, with the official proceedings commencing with a Welcome to Country on behalf of the Brayakaulung clan of the GunaiKurnai Nation in the native language. 


The Dedlee Kultya dancers, a group of indigenous students, then took to the yard and performed Wooriyl the Lyre Bird followed by Naanaa Nukindhere.


Campus Principal, Dan Swallow, and Acting Principal, Matt Jobling along with local MP Harriet Shing and Latrobe City Mayor Kellie O’Callaghan addressed the audience speaking of the history and significance of Reconciliation Week, the opportunity we all have to learn together about our shared histories and cultures, and how we can contribute as individuals and a community to achieve reconciliation. 


Earlier in the week BBQ lunches were held at the Churchill Campus and University Campus which gave the opportunity for students to recognise the history and significance of Reconciliation Week.


Music News

Mr Chris Gretton
Mr Chris Gretton

What to Learn a musical instrument?

For students wanting to learn a musical instrument, we have limited spaces available for brass & woodwind instruments. Please collect an expression of interest form from the general office, or speak to the College Music Coordinator, Mr Chris Gretton to find out more information.


Sports News


Gippsland Cross Country


Last Thursday, two students represented Kurnai College at the Gippsland Cross Country. Aiden and Alyssa both ran extremely well and placed in the middle of their extremely competitive respective age groups consisting of fifty other runners.


Intermediate/Senior Wellington Soccer

On Wednesday 24th of May, Kurnai College had four teams participate in the Wellington District Interschool Soccer in Sale.


The teams played in a series of 40-minute round-robin games with a chance to progress to Gippsland Finals that will be held in July next term.


The Intermediate girls 2-1 against Lavalla Catholic College will see the proceed to the next stage.


The Intermediate boys team defeated Sale College and Sale Catholic College, however lost to Lavalla Catholic College. 


The Senior girls played one game against Lavalla College and lost 2nil. 


The Senior boys played their first game against Lavalla College and lost 1nil. Their second game was against Sale Catholic College, where they won 3-1.


Senior Boys Team
Senior Girls Team
Intermediate Boys Team
Senior Boys Team
Senior Girls Team
Intermediate Boys Team


Junior Soccer


On Wednesday 7th of May, Kurnai College had four teams participate in the Wellington District Interschool Soccer in Sale. The teams played in a series of 40-minute round-robin games with a chance to progress to Gippsland Finals that will be held in July next term.


Year 7 girls, 2-0 loss to Lavalla College, won by default to Sale College and had a 3 nil win over Maffra College.


The Year 8 girls team lost to Lavalla 2nil.


The Year 7 boys played two games, lost both, but showed significant improvement in the second game.


The Year 8 boys gave it their best go, playing against Lavalla Catholic College and Traralgon Secondary College, but unfortunately did not win their game.


Overall, the students competed very hard and represented Kurnai College. Unfortunately, with the majority of games, the results on the day did not go in Kurnai College's favour. Regardless the students all gave it their best go, displayed excellent sportsmanship, and were supportive of their teammates and the other teams.


Year 7 Girls Team
Year 8 Boys Team
Year 7 Girls Team
Year 8 Boys Team


School Values

Kurnai College’s four pillars underpin all aspects of our work.