Year 5/6 Bulletin



Author Justin D’arth workshop: Based on an activity from the Literary Festival


Learning intention: To generate ideas based on a writing prompt and to use descriptive language to engage the reader.


Writing prompt: What if…

  • What if you went to have a shower and as you turned on the water, to your amazement, water didn’t come out. Instead it was… (insert your favourite drink)
  • Write a piece to show what exactly happened, remembering to use language that is going to help the reader experience what you are experiencing.

Student Work examples: Please check your child’s visual diary that will be coming home today.

What you can do now (to continue the learning at home from this experience)

  • Try and get your child to practise quick writes with different creative prompts to engage their creative side.
  • Making lists of ‘What if?’ questions are a good way to generate ideas and scenarios.
  • Have your child create a character based on any household object, giving them human-like qualities (an apple who is shy and nervous, a pumpkin who loves to tell jokes, etc.)