Respectful Relationships 2022

Respectful Relationships Update


Based on Department of Education requirements, planning and implementation of age-appropriate ‘Sexuality and Consent Education’ has commenced at McClelland College.  The aim of the sessions has been to build social, emotional, and positive relationship skills, a key component of the Respectful Relationships initiative.  These sessions will form the foundation of ongoing learning that will continue throughout all year levels at McClelland College.  Many staff have been involved in the development and delivery of these sessions and we would like to thank them for their considered and sensitive approach to this important topic.  


The goal of sexuality education in Victoria is to build on knowledge, skills and behaviours that enable young people to make responsible and safe choices.  Research indicates that if parents are willing to engage with their adolescent in discussions of relationships and sexuality the risk of unhealthy relationships and unwanted sex are reduced.  If you would like further information please contact the Respectful Relationships Team via school reception.  


Further resources can also be found at the Family Planning Victoria website - 


The Respectful Relationships Team