Year 9 News

A huge congratulations to all year 9 students who have been working hard during term 3. It has definitely been a challenging term with all the interruptions we have had but are very proud of every single student. We have had so many positive compass posts from lots of teachers highlighting our school values of ownership, growth and community. Fantastic work to all those students.


We have encouraged all year 9s to stay connected, by tuning in to our remote assemblies. Congratulations to our Brain Teaser winners; our runners ups Cassidy, Chinta and Harrison. Congratulations to our winner Jessica Campbell scoring a perfect score of 10/10. Congratulations to Isabel Ferra came out with the win for our Guess the song competition. Thank you all the year 9s who were involved, fantastic effort and lots of fun. 


The year 9 team would like to thank you all for continuing to take ownership of your learning, you all should be proud of your achievements. We look forward to seeing you all back in term 4. Stay safe during the holidays! 


From Year 9 leaders