Year 8 News 

Year 8 English transitioned from analytical essay writing to Wellbeing Week for the final week of Term Three. To celebrate and honour the hard work of everyone, students were given the opportunity to participate in a range of Wellbeing activities to earn Green Compass Posts and tokens for the COG Shop. Daimon practiced some fire twirling Riley flipped and twisted his way through Wellbeing Week Sienna treated us to a Pinterest of Jack Russel puppy photos Frazer shared a review of a Harry Potter escape room. Macy and Charlotte FaceTimed to evaluate the Met Gala outfits. Will shared some funny YouTube videos with the class. Many students also shared photos and videos of their local walks and encouraged others to check out some features of the Frankston and surrounding suburbs. 

8ENG210 also enjoyed a joke sharing session, with some real side splitters shared between students


Q: If you’re American when you enter the bathroom, and American when you exit, what are you when you’re inside? A: European (From Sarah)


Q: Why do teenagers walk in groups of 3 or 5?A: Because they literally can’t even (From Mackenzie) 


Faith treated 8ENG203 to some riddles

Q: Two trains travel on the same track at 1 o’clock. Why do they not crash?

A: Because one travels in the am and the other in the pm.


Q: What goes up but never comes down?

A: You’re age


The Year 8 English team congratulates all students on the excellent efforts through a tricky Term. 


We look forward to seeing you again soon.