Principal's Message-

Amadeo Ferra

Looking after our own mental health

We have reached the end of another term -once again mostly in lockdown. I recall last year hearing stories of students, staff and even parents that were just surviving whilst some were thriving learning or working from home and some of the benefits that it brought. I’ve got to be honest, I don’t know too many that are brave enough to say they are thriving this time around. We are all looking forward to increased freedom and ability to do the things we miss the most -connecting with one another.


I want to thank our teachers and education support staff for doing their best to keep our students engaged with their education through this particularly challenging term. Importantly I want to thank all parents and carers for supporting your children with their education and not giving up. I have four kids of my own from primary school through to university and I know how hard it is to keep them motivated -particularly when we ourselves may be struggling.


It is ok to feel down right now but it is equally important to understand the crucial need to bring ourselves (or our children) out of that funk, however difficult this may be. Recently an Assistant Principal sent me a link to an article that really helped me to understand what many of us are all going through and feeling right now.  Here is a link to the article which I encourage you to read as it goes beyond naming the common feeling we are experiencing and providing strategies to help dealing with them.