Sport Captain

Jemma Keefe

Jemma Keefe
Jemma Keefe


My name is Jemma and I have been elected as the 2022 Sports Captain. I’m someone who has always loved sport, with some of my favourite memories being red rover in primary school and the trips I have attended with state and national athletics teams all over Australia and overseas. 


I am extremely excited and grateful for the opportunity to inspire my peers next year and grow sport at the College in 2022. I thank the 2021 Sports captain, Charlotte, who has left me with such a great platform to do this.   


Students who excelled in sport in 2021 were recognised at the College sports awards assembly which took place two weeks ago.  Although it was disappointing, we could not hold the usual sports awards night, hopefully we will be able to be joined by parents and families once again (if COVID-19 permits) next year.  I would like to congratulate those students who received awards on the day as well as everyone who played sport this year.  With participation being at an all-time high across multiple sports, I cannot wait to see what all of us can achieve in 2022.     


As your 2022 Sport Captain, my main goals for next year are to:   

  • Continue increasing participation   
  • Work with individual sports captains to create events to promote their sports  
  • Foster a healthy competition between Mount Alvernia and Padua College  

Presuming there are no lockdowns, I really believe that with the help of the sports committee, individual sports captains, and the support of the other College Captains that these goals will be turned into a reality.  


Students in Years 9 -11 were able to nominate themselves to be individual sports captains in 2022. With many great submissions this year it was definitely a difficult job for Mr White to decide who would get the role. I am very proud of the girls who have been announced as captains -  you are all truly deserving of your roles, and I cannot wait to see what you will do for your sports next year.   


For the remainder of 2021,  junior netball and basketball, intermediate basketball teams and our rugby teams have been working extremely hard at representing the College at CaSSSA, as well as other competitions such as 'All Schools'.  I am very proud of all girls participating in these sports, you are all amazing!  


If you are looking for something to do during the final term of this year, Run Club and Swim Fit is available for anyone to  sign-up. There is also preseason tennis and futsal being ran by the 2022 Captains. We are also still taking sports committee applications until tomorrow! You can find the information on how to apply here. Once again I would like to say how excited I am for the opportunity to lead sport in 2022 and I cannot wait to make this the best year for sport at the College yet!