
The Power of Choice

“In any given situation, we have two options. We can either step forward into growth or step back into safety.”

Abraham Maslow – Psychologist, Motivational & Inspirational Speaker


Choice is one of the most powerful things we can do. The small choices and the ones that we need to make often and repeatedly are some of the most powerful choices we can make on our wellbeing life map.


Dwelling on bad things that have happened in the past or thinking about what might go wrong in the future trigger feelings of unhappiness. Our internal world can have a bigger impact on our wellbeing than our external circumstances. The model of thinking ‘Above the Line’ or thinking ‘Below the Line’ gives us the choice to adopt an attitude and/or behaviour to be open and positive or to operate in a closed and negative way.


Learning new things is not always easy. We need to practice and re-direct our thinking in order to strengthen this way of thinking, which can lead us to enjoy richer and happier relationships, experiences and help us to thrive.




Kind regards,


Tina Mouzakitis

Wellbeing Coordinator



Cathy Turner

Pastoral Care Worker
