From the Principal
Term 4, Week 2, Kevin Kennedy
Dear Families,
I hope your child’s first two weeks back at school have gone smoothly. With only seven weeks remaining in the term and lots to do it is a very busy time for all.
Teachers have begun the process of writing reports and reflecting on the year that was, both for their students and themselves. We also reflect as a whole staff, examine our data, what programs have worked well and what haven’t. The pupil free days on the 22nd and 25th of October will be opportunity to reflect in detail and make plans for the future.
The schools guiding document moving forward over the next three years will be our Site Improvement Plan. The plan identifies key areas of improvement taken from our NAPLAN results and features specific goals and targets to achieve. These targets are yet to be confirmed but are most likely to be in reading and writing. Once the Site Improvement Plan, or SIP as its commonly referred to is completed it will be shared with the school community.
Staff will also start the challenging process of placing students into classes this week. A form was sent out last week where parents can participate in the process, please refer to this letter and return as soon as possible.
If you have any queries or concerns please let me know.
Kind regards,
Kevin Kennedy