From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant.

It is our third week of term 1 and every student has now received a second box of Rapid Antigen tests, we have enjoyed a cyber safety incursion, specialist teams are delivering their programs and our first assembly was a highlight. Our new school leaders did an excellent job in running the assembly and organising the guest speakers.

Assemblies are held outside and will proceed if the weather conditions are suitable.This week has seen a number of students test positive to COVID and commence their 7 day isolation period.


An increasing number of students have been collected from school following presentation with COVID like symptoms  (fever, sore throat, headache, upset stomach). It is important that these children are collected promptly and only return to CJC once they are symptom free for at least 24 hours after the last episode. Families need to ensure their contact details are accurate and families have an emergency contact available just in case. 


As part of our COVID safe management of the school we have asked families to arrive and enter the school ground at different times. Thankyou for the support provided so far.


Children are now expected to make their own way into the school each morning and families are requested to have their children through the gates before 9.00am. We have a steady stream of late arrivals and we need to get back to the routine of being on time, ready to learn and signed in by a parent/carer if you are late.


Uniform shop will be open from 3.15pm onwards on Thursday 24th February. EFTPOS only and parents can access the uniform shop two at a time. Please note vaccination requirements are a condition of entry. Many thanks to our volunteers for the provision of this important service. Students must wear school uniform.


A Mothers day stall is planned for early May. Volunteers are needed and must meet the DET vaccination and WWCC expectations.


Nominations for the CJC School Council elections 2022 close this coming Monday, 21st of February at 4.00pm.  Late nominations cannot be accepted.  Nomination forms can be collected from the front office or contact the school via


Our Working bee is this Sunday, 1.00pm - 4.00pm. Everyone welcome, however all children must be supervised by a parent/carer.


On Wednesday the 23rd of February, students in Years 3 to 6 will participate in the annual school swimming carnival at CJC. Please ensure you have read the information on the Compass event. 


French Film Festival.


This year we are continuing a partnership with our education specialists, Inform and Empower who are presenting a parent webinar titled "Managing Big Feelings". This workshop is funded by the school, requires you to register and join the online presentation by Carly Mcgauran, a psychologist, who has extensive school based knowledge and family experiences to share with our families. Please join us on Thursday evening.


From Mme. Pommier

Evaluations nationales françaises


Les élèves de CP, CE1 passeront, du 21 au 25 février, les évaluations nationales françaises. Ces résultats permettront aux professeurs d'apprécier d'un point de vue individuel et collectif les acquis et d'ancrer les apprentissages des élèves durant l'année scolaire.


Les élèves de 6e, passeront leurs évaluations la semaine suivante, du 28 février au 4 mars. 


Ces évaluations sont également essentielles pour le maintien de notre homologation AEFE car elles nous permettent de situer nos élèves parmi les autres élèves des écoles françaises de l’étranger et s’assurer que nos élèves maintiennent le niveau requis.


French Film festival


Cette année encore, Caulfield Junior College est le fier sponsor du French Film Festival organisé par l’Alliance française. L’ouverture officielle aura lieu le 3 mars prochain à l’Astor. Cette semaine, notre directeur francophone avait préparé un discours pour l’une des avant-premières au Palace Como et a renforcé l’importance de notre partenariat avec l’Alliance française.


A la fin du mois de mars, tous nos élèves se rendront au cinéma pour visionner deux films : “Pil” pour les élèves de Grande Section, CP et CE1 ainsi que “Le trésor du petit Nicolas” pour les élèves de CE2, CM1, CM2 et 6E.


Nous invitons toutes nos familles à profiter de cette opportunité fantastique de pouvoir emmener leurs enfants visionner les meilleurs films français du moment.


Bon festival à tous !



French national assessments


From 21 to 25 February, students of CP, CE1 will sit the French national assessments.  The results will enable teachers to assess, from an individual and collective point of view, their achievement and assess the level of support required for the students' learning during the school year.


Year 6 students will take their assessments the following week, from February 28 to March 4.


These assessments are also essential for the retention of our AEFE accreditation because they allow us to position our students among other students in French schools abroad and ensure that our students maintain the required level.


French Film festival


Once again, Caulfield Junior College is the proud sponsor of the French Film Festival organized by the Alliance française. The official opening will take place on March 3rd at the Astor. This week, our French-speaking director presented a speech for one of the previews at the Palace Como and reinforced the importance of our partnership with the Alliance française.


At the end of March, all our students will go to the cinema to watch two films: 

  • Pil's Adventures, for the students of Grande Section, CP and CE1 
  • The treasure of little Nicolas, for the students of CE2, CM1, CM2 and 6E.

We invite all our families to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity and take their children to watch the best French films of the moment.


Happy festival to all!