Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

Here we are in the third week of term and school life is beginning to settle down a little.  We have enjoyed the euphoria of the commencement of the school year, catching up with everybody and relishing all the newness that comes with a fresh start. We are riding the wave of COVID and already are becoming used to things changing, moving, or being done differently. Now, routines are more familiar and we are getting on with the business of learning.

Some Year Twelve students commented this week, “We have learnt so much in Careers and Enterprise already!”.  The Year Eleven Mathematics Methods class reported that “We have a lot of work to do!”.  Year Ten students have told me that “It’s all a bit more serious now”. 

While the sense of serious hard work can be a challenging feeling, particularly after a long, lazy summer, now is the time for our young people to engage fully in their courses and electives and remember how much satisfaction and joy can be found in learning.  

Everything from solving a complex quadratic equation, to making the perfect coffee, to completing a finger joint hinge can bring joy and satisfaction when we engage fully, are open to learning and work through inevitable mistakes to achieve desired end results.  Please encourage your child to delight in their learning and ask them about the best thing they learnt today. 


Mrs Victoria Turnor | Head of Senior School

Year Ten Hospitality

The Year Ten students discovered sugar as a preservative, using it to produce citrus cordial as a means of utilising excess oranges and lemons, and produced a food label with a nutrition panel following Australian food labelling guidelines.  Sugar also featured in lamingtons.  Students investigated how homemade sponge was originally turned into lamingtons as a means of reducing food wastage, then compared them with store-bought, packaged lamingtons.  Value adding was discussed for those with entrepreneurial ambitions!

Mrs Teresa McAllister | Head of Technologies

Year Eleven Outdoor Education 

On Wednesday afternoon my Outdoor Ed class went to Nanarup Beach and had a snorkel around the cove. The water was so crystal clear! My snorkel partner Fraser and I, went out and saw a large school of bullseye fish. As we continued to snorkel over to some rocks, I had thought that I had seen a massive dusky morwong, so I told Fraser to dive down and have a look. I feel lucky to have had this unique experience and it is something I will remember forever!


Blake Panizza | Year Eleven