From the Principal
Term 1, Week 2, Kevin Kennedy
Dear Families,
Welcome Back
I hope the first two weeks of school, whether at home or onsite, have gone smoothly. We are looking forward to having the remainder of the students back next week. We are grateful for the support families have provided. Home schooling is a challenge and we appreciate the efforts parents, carers and family members have gone to in support of their child’s learning.
COVID Update
We still respectfully request that family members refrain from entering the main building where the classrooms are located. Family members are welcome to enter the grounds and the front office part of the school. Masks need to be worn in the buildings and visitors need to sign in via the QR Code or sign in book.
Acquaintance Night and Assemblies
The current COVID19 arrangements will prevent us from having the traditional face to face acquaintance night. We are looking to simulate it for parents by having a virtual tour of the classroom which would feature an outline of what to expect in your child’s class this year. More information about this will be released next week.
At this stage we will not be having an assembly until week 6, Friday 4th March. Only families of students presenting will be able to attend. More information about this will be sent home by the relevant classroom teachers closer to the date.
Annual General Meeting
The schools AGM is being held on Wednesday 2nd March 7:00-8:00pm. The AGM features a series of reports based on the year that was 2021. It also is an opportunity for potential new members to come along and nominate to be part of the schools governing council.
Governing councils work with the site leader to help set and monitor the direction of a site. A governing council meets regularly to talk about the direction for the site. The timing of meetings can be different for each site, but it’s no less than twice a term (we meet on Wednesdays at 6:30pm).
Meetings are a big part of being on a governing council, but it’s not only that. In your role on the council, you might:
· be on an interview panel to select the site’s principal or director
· need to deal with media in response to an event or a good news story
· be an employing authority of out of school hours care (OSHC) or canteen staff
If you are interested and think you have something to offer we would to love to see you there.
New Staff
I would like to welcome two new staff to West Beach Primary School, Deputy Principal Vicky Jones and year 5/6 teacher Nadeen Yates. Both Nadeen and Vicky have settled into their roles well and have been making a noticeable impact on the school already. On behalf of the school community I hope you enjoy your time with us. A profile about each staff member can be found in this week’s newsletter.
If you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Kevin Kennedy