Senior School

It has been a genuine pleasure to welcome our new Year 7 students into the Senior School in this past week. 


Over the course of their Year 7 Orientation, our newest students have spent time familiarising themselves with their new Senior School subjects, with the grounds, and with their timetables and online processes. Most importantly, however, they have built relationships with their Tutor Group family, with their teachers, and with our Student Leaders. 


We have also been pleased to welcome new students across Years 8 to 11, who I have no doubt will make an outstanding contribution to the Senior School over the next several years. 


After many weeks of hard work in preparation for outstanding learning in 2022, on behalf of the teachers and the staff of the Senior School I would like to welcome all our students and families to the start of the 2022 Academic Year. 


Mr Owen Laffin

Deputy Head - Head of Senior School 

BMGS COVID Safety Plan

Please refer to the information contained in this PDF for the School's current COVID Safety Plan (published 2nd February, 2022):