Paul Dawson and Bradley Headlam

Brad Smallman and Sarah Bridges

Meet the Teachers and ChromeBooks Evening - Year 7

On Wednesday 2 February, Year 7 students collected their Chromebooks and parents had the opportunity to meet the teachers.

Testing Week

At the date of this newsletter we have now concluded the ACER PAT Testing for Maths, Reading and General Ability. Students undertook these tests in addition to the OnDemand Testing for Reading and Maths. It was a busy week for students to fit this around their regular classes. These tests allow the school and teachers to have an accurate understanding of where your child is at and to plan the appropriate teaching and learning. We would like to encourage you to ask your child about the tests and discuss the results with them when they become available in the coming weeks. 

Students Welcomed Back

Year 7, 11 and 12 students returned on Monday 31 January 2022, with the remainder of students returning on Tuesday 1 February 2022.

School Photos

School Photos will be held Wednesday 2 March 2022. Students are required to be in full academic uniform. 


Summer Uniform

  • School dress – length to be no shorter than 8 cm above the knee
  • Shorts – grey (not corduroy or cargo shorts)
  • White collared shirt or white polo shirt (plain, long or short sleeved)
  • Jumper
    – Junior (Years 7-9) Red with black trim
    – Senior (Years 10-12) Black with red trim
  • Socks – plain white, black or grey (i.e. no logos, words, patterns)
  • Plain black leather school shoes – lace up or T-bars (NO boots or branded shoes)

For cultural reasons the following alterations to the uniform policy apply:

  • A head scarf is to be plain black, white or grey
  • A long sleeved top (black or white) may be worn under the school dress or short-sleeved shirt.
  • Plain black tights/leggings with black socks may be worn with the school summer dress and school winter skirt.

In addition to being in the correct uniform, families are reminded of the following policy



As part of the College Uniform Policy, it is expected that students will present themselves in a neat and orderly manner, travelling both to and from school and while at school, within guidelines established by the College.


General Appearance

Tattoos (real or fake) must remain covered at school.

The ONLY facial piercing permitted is a single small stud worn on the nose.



The acceptable items of jewellery are as follows:

  • A wristwatch
  • Rings (worn on fingers; no nose rings)
  • Simple studs or sleepers (maximum of two in each ear)
  • A plain necklace that aligns with the image of the college and the expectations for Occupational Health and Safety. It must be of an appropriate length and worn under the shirt. 


Only minimal and natural looking makeup is permitted.  Students deemed to have excessive make-up will be asked to remove it.

Fingernails must be natural nails and a short / respectable length so that students can perform all learning tasks without affecting the hygiene or safety of themselves or others.



Hair colour at school must be natural looking, no other colours e.g. purple, blue, pink or green etc.

Hair restraints (e.g. bows, clips, headbands etc.) should be simple and in school colours.

Hair additions /extensions must also follow the hair colour guidelines. 

Facial Hair: beards and moustaches are not permitted.

Progress Reports - Week 6

Progress reports will be made available during week 6, 31 March 2022. These reports are a key tool in your child developing an understanding of their learning behaviours. They can be accessed via the Compass portal and we would like all students and carers to take the time to view the reports, reflect on them, and discuss any improvements that can be achieved. If you have questions surrounding your child’s reports, please reach out to the individual subject teacher via Compass or email.


We would like to introduce Sarah Upton as a new Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO). 

The role of KESO is to engage and support Aboriginal students, their families, teachers and school staff. Sarah is a proud Gunditjmara woman. She has 7 years experience in the education system and experience teaching overseas.She is connected to culture and family. Sarah is always looking to connect more with our mob(family), teachers, community and parents. She is here to help provide our children and families with information about several resources, learning documents, scholarship processes, job opportunities/pathways, policies and registrations and community links or support for your child. She can be contacted on ​​ 


Our Middle Years Girls will be again looking to inspire students to utilize their voice, engage with the school community and be agents of change. We are hoping to organise another Forum to liaise with other schools and share our school goals in the hope of eliciting change. It is pleasing to note that as a result of the girls’ collective voice we have introduced self defence to the year 9 Health unit. Part of the advice was to also explore programs suitable for building a broader understanding of issues related to gender matters in the Middle Years boys. We are pleased to note that staff will undergo training later in this term with the intent of creating a program for the boys' health students.

One of the partnerships developed over the course of the years is with Samantha Krajina, a relative of a past student. Samantha was MC at the Forum and recently gained a position with Cricket Australia. The photo below are some of our Be Bold BE HEARD girls who happily accepted a stack of Cricket tops to be used as required. Already the girls are considering how they can be best utilised in the school and perhaps a ‘Big Bold Bash’ might be on the horizon. Samantha has also offered our students the opportunity to work with her in developing their public speaking skills in order for them to be part of the MC duties at the next Forum.


The Sub Schools provide a range of activities throughout the year to enhance student understanding of a range of relevant subjects. This week saw year 8 and 9 students participate in the program ‘Smashed’ which engaged students in some alcohol education and awareness. We would like to thank Mr Quinn and Mr Bond for arranging such a great incursion but also congratulate the students on the amazing participation and respect for the performers.