Arabic and Assyrian group
Our meetings begin this term
Arabic and Assyrian group
Our meetings begin this term
Dear parents and caregivers
We are excited to announce that our Arabic and Assyrian meetings for 2022 will resume from Week Two, Term One. We run three sessions each term every three weeks.
Due to the current situation with COVID 19, the meeting will take place online via Zoom. The Zoom link and password will be emailed to parents in advance. Parents should check their emails regularly and update the school with any changes.
During the meeting, parents are more than welcome to ask any questions about their children in the school.
We will cover many aspects of our students' experiences at school. All parents and staff are welcome to log into these online sessions. Topics that will be covered include:
Year 7 settling into high school
Parent resources
How to help your child organise their learning
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Naim at Cecil Hills High School: Tel. 9822 1430